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dc.contributor.authorМузика, М.П.-
dc.contributor.authorMuzyka, M.P.-
dc.descriptionМузика М.П. Ірраціональність як напрям посткласичної філософії права: автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.12 – філософія права/ Музика Марія Петрівна. – Львів: ЛьвДУВС, 2018. - 21 с.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractРобота присвячена філософсько-правовому осмисленню ірраціональності як напряму посткласичної філософії права. Дослідження ґрунтується на власній методології, що складається з дихотомії «класика-посткласика», що дало змогу виокремити особливості і класичної, і посткласичної парадигм у праві. Відтак зроблено висновок про раціоналізацію та об’єктивацію методології класики, суб’єктивацію та антропологізацію посткласичної методології. Методологія класики, основу якої становить логічність, обстоює позицію про універсальність наукового методу пізнання і права як незмінного набору істин, використовуючи метод індивідуалізму. Натомість методологія посткласичної парадигми характеризується інтерсуб’єктивним типом правопізнання, в основу якого закладені ідеї ірраціоналізму. Найбільш застосовуваним методом у посткласичній парадигмі є діалектичний метод, який став підґрунтям методологічного аналізу ірраціоналізму у праві. Запропоновано розглядати ірраціоналізм у двох аспектах: у широкому – як філософсько-правовий напрям, що вказує на обмеженість раціонального пізнання (розумному спогляданню світу ірраціоналізм протиставляє чуттєве споглядання, інтуїцію, інстинкт, віру та інші пізнавальні здібності, що дають змогу отримати знання, недоступне розуму); у вузькому – під ірраціоналізмом слід розуміти філософсько-правові концепції, школи, що виникли в результаті розвитку посткласики і були реакцією на раціоналістичну віру в безмежні можливості людського розуму, характеризувалися прагненням або спростувати раціоналізм взагалі, або обмежити його надмірні домагання на істину (йдеться про волюнтаризм, філософію життя, інтуїтивізм, феноменологію права, екзистенціалізм). The work is devoted to philosophical and legal comprehension of irrationality as a branch of post-classical philosophy of law. The historical preconditions of the emergence of irrationalism in law are outlined. It is established that rational and irrational elements have always been present at different times, but in different proportions. They always had an impact on law anyway. After having analyzed the genesis of the emergence of irrational ideas in law, such historical periods are proposed: The first period is Antiquity; the second period is Medieval irrationalism («I believe to understand»); the third period is the Renaissance; the fourth period is the New Age era, when individual researchers, despite the cult of reason, pay attention to its limitations and even disfigurement in the event of its absolutization; the fifth period is Enlightenment which continues the tradition of the New Age in domination of the mind, which is understood as the highest instance in law; the sixth stage covers the nineteenth century; the seventh period covers the twentieth century and the present (irrationalism manifests itself in such branches as: voluntarism, intuitionism, phenomenology, existentialism, the will to life, etc.). The research is based on the own methodology, which consists of the dichotomy «classics/post-classics», which allowed to highlight the features of both classical and post-classical paradigms in law. On its basis a conclusion was made about rationalization and objectification of the classical methodology and subjectivism and anthropologization of the post-classical methodology. The methodology of the classics, based on logic, defends the position on universality of the scientific method of cognition and law as an unchanging set of truths, using the method of individualism. Instead, the post-classical paradigm methodology is characterized by an intersubjective type of legal knowledge, based on the ideas of irrationalism. The most used method in the post-classical paradigm is the method of dialectical materialism, which became the basis of the methodological analysis of irrationalism in law. It is established that the post-classical philosophy of law is represented by the law of the mutual transition of quantitative changes into quality, unity and struggle of opposites, the law of negation of negation, which are embodied through the problem of rationalism-irrationalism. Outlined in modern literature basic problems in the field of philosophical comprehension of rationalism and irrationalism, as well as their correlation, are analyzed. Thus, it is discovered that rationalism in law ignores the peculiarities of a man, his feelings and emotional experiences. Because of the rationality we accept a person solely as a being, who relies on the mind when making decisions. However, a person relies on emotions, conscience, faith, etc. more often, rather than the voice of reason, especially when it comes to making quick decisions. A person is endowed by two categories of cognitive process: rational and irrational; therefore, the contrast between rational and irrational does not allow a person to get exhaustive legal information and knowledge. Irrationality is inherent in life itself, being; without irrational opportunities the process of cognition is impossible. In the 21st century, people come to understanding that the process of knowledge and activity is carried out not by an abstract cognitive subject but by an ordinary man who possesses such manifestations of human activity as: emotions, faith, feelings, affections, passions, will, intuition, etc. Unlike rationalism, irrationalism pays more attention not to the cognition of the objective world, but to the inner world of the subject of cognition. The philosophy of law from the point of view of irrationality sees its task not in theoretical knowledge, which is expressed through the logical and conceptual apparatus, but in revealing the moral and spiritual qualities of an individual and highlighting the subject-object relations, where a person acts as a subject of law cognition. It is proposed to consider irrationalism in two aspects: in the broad sense, as a philosophical and legal branch, claiming the limitation of rational cognition (intelligent contemplation of the world is opposed by irrationalism to sensual contemplation, intuition, instinct, faith and other cognitive abilities that allow the knowledge inaccessible to reason to be acquired). In the narrow sense, irrationalism should be understood as philosophical and legal concepts, schools that have appeared as a result of the development of post-classics, which represent 18 a reaction to a rationalist faith in the infinite possibilities of the human mind and are characterized by the desire either to refute rationalism at large, or limit its excessive claims to the truth. The following irrational philosophical and legal concepts, schools that have been established as a result of the development of post-classics in law are analyzed: – voluntarism is a philosophical and legal branch where the will is recognized as the basis of legal existence, cognition and is crucial in self-regulation by a man of his behaviour and activity; – philosophy of life is a set of philosophical and legal views on the subject of the research – that is life, which from the point of view of the majority of the representatives of this concept is understood as a special value, an irrational way of being that cannot be comprehended through rational ways of cognition; – intuitionism is an irrational philosophical and legal branch, which considers intuition as a subject of its philosophy, as an instantaneous method of knowing the truth and an alternative way of obtaining information about legal reality; – phenomenology of law is a kind of irrational branch in the philosophy of law, which deals with legal phenomena as legal truths that are related to social experience, enshrined in legal norms and values and formed by legal consciousness through the method of phenomenological reduction («experience» of law); – existentialism is an irrational philosophical and legal branch, where anthropological and ontological principles are the subject of its study; these principles treat human existence and a man as a subject who fully assumes responsibility for his life choices.uk_UA
dc.subjectфілософія життяuk_UA
dc.subjectфеноменологія праваuk_UA
dc.subjectphilosophy of lifeuk_UA
dc.subjectphenomenology of lawuk_UA
dc.titleІрраціональність як напрям посткласичної філософії права: авторефератuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeIrrationality as a branch of post-classical philosophy of law: thesisuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Автореферати дисертацій

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