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dc.contributor.authorРяшко, О.В.-
dc.contributor.authorRiashko, O.V.-
dc.descriptionРяшко О.В. Теоретико-правовий аналіз відносин держави та християнської релігії у «Філософії права» Гегеля / О. В. Ряшко, Л. О. Остапенко // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2017. - Випуск 3. - С. 289-299.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractПроаналізовано наукові погляди німецького мислителя Гегеля, які стосуються діалектики взаємозв’язку і відносин держави та християнської релігії. Зауважено, що у своїй роботі «Філософія права» вчений ґрунтовно і всебічно розкрив соціально-політичну й правову діяльність держави в роз-витку і функціонуванні суспільства, а також значення релігії як важливого соціального інституту в формуванні духовності та високої моралі в суспільстві. Academic views of the great German thinker Hegel with regard to dialectics of interaction and mutual relations of the state and Christian religion have been studied. In his paper «The Philosophy of Right» German philosopher deeply and comprehensively reveals social – political and legal activity of the state in the development and functioning of society as well as the role and place of religion as an important social institution in formation of spirituality and high morality of the society. The thinker focuses on the role and place of Christian religion in formation of both spirituality and high morality, directing human acts towards humanism and compliance with Christian virtues. In Hegel’s opinion, the dialectics of interaction and mutual relations lies in the fact that the state should perform its duties with respect to religion and the church, and promote in every possible way their existence, and religion and the church should form both religious world outlook in citizens and respect to the state, its laws and political activities. The thinker comes to the conclusion that in a wise state where there is law and system of justice, any religious confessions may exist, and the state protects their rights and freedoms. Hegel negatively assesses religious fanaticism and opposes it resolutely, as it destabilizes the regime, human rights and freedoms, social morality. This Hegel’s ruling is particularly topical now. It plays not only important theoretical-methodological, but also political and legal role. Standing for peaceful co-existence of different religious sects in the church, Hegel critically assesses the Quakers, who refuse to defend the state and at the same time do not recognize its rights for freedom, independence and sovereignty. This ruling gains particular urgency for Ukraine. The thinker has demonstrated that Christian religion with its cult, traditions, ceremonial acts and rites creates foundations of social morality and spirituality, having major influence upon functioning of the institution of the family and marriage. Social and human spirituality and morality excited and still excite many academicians. It should be noted that nowadays more and more people address the religion as a source of spiritual inspiration. Being a form of social consciousness and the world outlook, this is one of the most important and most common spheres of human spiritual culture. In this aspect it should be emphasized that in contemporary conditions of building of Ukraine, our state pursues a policy aimed at harmonization of relations between the state, religion and the church, the state policy of non-interference of the state with the internal affairs of religious organizations, promoting establishment of relations of mutual religious and world outlook tolerance, respect between citizens practicing a religion.uk_UA
dc.subjectхристиянська релігіяuk_UA
dc.subjectchristian religionuk_UA
dc.titleТеоретико-правовий аналіз відносин держави та християнської релігії у «Філософії права» Гегеляuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeTheoretical and legal analysis of mutual relations of the state and christian religion in Hegel’s «Philosophy of right»uk_UA
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