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dc.contributor.authorЄсімов, С.С.-
dc.contributor.authorYesimov, S.S.-
dc.descriptionЄсімов С.С. Нормативно-правове забезпечення інформаційних адміністративних послуг, що надаються МВС України / С. С. Єсімов // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2017. - Випуск 2. - С. 163-174.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВисвітлено проблеми нормативно-правового забезпечення інформаційних адміністративних послуг, що надаються МВС України. На підставі аналізу законодавства України, інших нормативно-правових актів розкрито сутність надання адміністративної послуги як функції управління. Роз’яснено інформаційні послуги МВС України у контексті законодавства про адміністративні послуги. Наведено рекомендації з підвищення ефективності адміністративно-правового регулювання надання адміністративних послуг у системі МВС України. Reforming the system of public administration is one of the most important conditions for raising socio-economic development of the country, because taking into account the efficiency of public administration and public services, Ukraine is in line with countries much inferior to it in economic development. State administration services (administrative services) represent a statutory method of ensuring human rights and freedoms, and legal interests of citizens and organizations by the State authorities. Their attributive features are: individual character (service is provided to a particular physical or legal entity and has targeted character); the presence of the customer’s interaction with the body of State authority concerning implementation of their rights, interests, and duties. The development of administrative services aims to form a structure focused on consumers, to put interests and needs of average citizens at the center of their service. It should be emphasized that information and communication technologies are being introduced into the field of the provision of administrative services by the bodies of Internal Affairs of Ukraine; they will ensure their quality, reliability, and control by the independent operators of electronic resources as components of a unified information space. Provision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its territorial bodies of administrative services is the most important direction in the implementation of Article 14 of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, and one of the perspective directions of informational and analytical activities on the basis of the modern information and communication technologies. Improvement of the organizational and legal grounds and administrative and legal regulation of the informational and analytical activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine stipulates the need to unify the infrastructure of interagency interaction by incorporating the respective administrative procedures into the administrative regulations, the development of administrative regulations on interdepartmental levels; optimization of control over administrative-legal acts and the use of mechanisms for pretrial appeal.uk_UA
dc.subjectадміністративні послугиuk_UA
dc.subjectінформаційні послугиuk_UA
dc.subjectміністерство внутрішніх справuk_UA
dc.subjectуправлінська функціяuk_UA
dc.subjectadministrative servicesuk_UA
dc.subjectinformation servicesuk_UA
dc.subjectministry of internal affairsuk_UA
dc.subjectmanagerial functionuk_UA
dc.titleНормативно-правове забезпечення інформаційних адміністративних послуг, що надаються МВС Україниuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeNormative and legal ensuring of information administrative services provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraineuk_UA
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