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dc.contributor.authorЦмоць, У.О.-
dc.contributor.authorTsmots, U.O.-
dc.descriptionЦмоць У.О. Онтологія юридичної практики / У.О. Цмоць // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2014. - Випуск 2. – С. 470-476.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractРозглянуто поняття юридичної практики як філософської правової категорії. Охарактеризовано юридичну практику як різновид соціальної практики та практики як такої. Спроектовано структурні взаємозв’язки, характерні для практики у цілому, на юридичну практику як на сформовану в суспільстві діяльність соціальних суб’єктів, що забезпечує найбільш ефективне і оптимальне досягнення цими суб’єктами бажаного суспільного чи особистого результату. The article deals with the system of philosophical categories – person, society, life, etc. – contributes to the philosophical and theoretical understanding of society. Juridical practice belongs to the system of the philosophical categories and is a part of the culture of the society. Studying the Juridical Practice materials gives impression about the specific legal situation, the economy, policy of the country, the social and legal status of the civil society state. The designation of the article is comprehension of the concept of juridical practice as a philosophical category. The juridical practice as a form of social and historical practice has the characteristics inherent in any general practice. The juridical subject is developed and changing society, during the operation of a particular social practice, using social institutions, organizations and formations and affecting the system of social relations. Any practice includes a number of components: 1) to whom the action is directed (object); 2) one who acts (subject); 3) the reason for which the action is performed (aim); 4) what is obtained at the end of the action (result); 5) how to carry out the action (method); 6) then by means of what the action is happening (means). Practice – is the subject of the action on an object with a specific purpose and use of the special methods and means to obtain tangible results. The juridical practice is a participant’s legal impact on the legal relations arising between government agencies, individuals and legal entities with the help of special actions, operations and methods to obtain the legal consequences. Thus, the practice of law performs social functions and retains its integrity as a legal phenomenon. Also, the juridical practice – a subspecies of social practice, which occupies a separate segment in the legal system of the society, combining into one legal rules, regulations, subjective rights and legal obligations, the legal idea and accepted on the basis of their decisions and ensuring the operation and development of the legal system. The juridical practice in the transitional society undergoes negative influences and challenges. That’s why the structural elements that make existing relationships between them and explore the possibility of general improvement should be deeply analyzed.uk_UA
dc.subjectюридична практикаuk_UA
dc.subjectjuridical practiceuk_UA
dc.titleОнтологія юридичної практикиuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe juridical practice ontologyuk_UA
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