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dc.contributor.authorОнишко, О.Б.-
dc.contributor.authorOnyshko, O.B.-
dc.descriptionОнишко О. Б. Відшкодування шкоди поза виникненням зобовʼязань за нормами цивільного права Польщі (1918–1939 рр.) / О. Б. Онишко // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - Серія юридична. - 2018. - Випуск 4. – С. 49-58.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractРозглянуто проблему відшкодування шкоди на підставі делікту, тобто протиправних дій, вчинених умисно чи з необережності, відповідно до норм цивільного права Польщі (1918–1939 рр.). Визначено обставини, з настанням яких на винного покладалася відповідальність відшкодування шкоди за спричинені з його вини неправомірні дії. Проаналізовано основні випадки спричинення шкоди поза виникненням зобовʼязальних правовідносин, охарактеризовано чинники за наявності яких наставала відповідальність. Акцентовано на особливостях відшкодування матеріальної та моральної шкоди. The problem of damage reimbursement on the basis of delict, that is unlawful actions committed intentionally or accidentally according to the polish civil law (1918–1939 rr.) is described in the article. The circumstances in which responsibility for damage reimbursement is imposed on the guilty person for the illegal aсts caused by him are defined. The main cases of causing damage in the absence of obligations, conditions of responsibilities are analyzed. The author paid special attention to the characteristic of pay material and moral damage reimbursement. Depending on the type of a damaged object, the Polish legal doctrine differentiated material damage and damage caused to a person. Material damage was considered to be loss property or benefits that a victim could suffer due to illegal actions or negligence of other people. Extent of damage compensation depended on identification of the level of guilt (malicious intent, negligence). The first type was violation of property rights, loss of earnings or benefits due to illness or stay in prison, loss or denial of credit because of disclosure of personal information about a person, etc. The damage to the person included: body damage, health disorder, which caused a decrease in labor productivity or ability to work, death, imprisonment, intimate images and their consequences, loss of maintenance (rent), etc. Possibility of moral damage reimbursement was defined by a polish legislator only in such cases: bodily harm or other health disorders that caused a lot of pain and suffering; death of a loved person caused by illegal activity or inactivity; in case of the involvement of women, underage or disabled persons in illegal activities by the way of violence, deception, excess of official authority; insult of honor and dignity. Damage reimbursement was not carried out by persons who, according to age, the fact of insanity or physical defects, did not have full capacity and responsibility for their behavior was provided to the third persons according to the law (teachers, educators, medical staff, etc.). Reimbursement have been made by the third persons if according to their own negligence, illegal acts or inactivity, they did not fulfill their obligation to supervise disabled or underage persons.uk_UA
dc.subjectумови відшкодуванняuk_UA
dc.subjectумови настання відповідальностіuk_UA
dc.subjectвинна особаuk_UA
dc.subjectнеправомірні діїuk_UA
dc.subjectconditions of reimbursementuk_UA
dc.subjectcircumstances of responsibilityuk_UA
dc.subjectguilty personuk_UA
dc.subjectillegal actsuk_UA
dc.titleВідшкодування шкоди поза виникненням зобовʼязань за нормами цивільного права Польщі (1918–1939 рр.)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativePay back of damage in the absence of appereance of obligations according to the Polish civil law (1918–1939 rr.)uk_UA
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