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dc.contributor.authorБасиста, І.В.-
dc.contributor.authorBasysta, I.V.-
dc.contributor.authorОперук, В.І.-
dc.contributor.authorOperuk, V.I.-
dc.descriptionБасиста І. В. Окремі проблеми залучення спеціалістів під час досудового розслідування та призначення експертних досліджень / І. В. Басиста, В. І. Оперук // Криміналістика і судова експертиза. - 2015. - Вип. 60. - С. 203-212.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractНа основі аналізу судово-слідчої практики розслідування кримінальних проваджень окремих категорій, показано роль спеціаліста в певній галузі знань, зокрема судового медика. Зазначені окремі проблеми призначення судово-медичних експертиз, їх роль в розкритті та розслідуванні кримінальних правопорушень. In this article, based on the analysis of forensic and investigative practice of investigation of criminal production of certain categories, shows the role of the expert in a particular feld of knowledge, in particular, the court physician, which the investigator can bring to the investigation of criminal offenses. The attention to legal provisions that need to apply in the investigation of crimes of expertise related to the fact that knowledge of the circumstances of the crime is a complex process of objective reality. Therefore, investigation of the crime requires the use of a wide range of investigator social, natural, mathematical and technical knowledge. The essence of the examination is to conduct an experimental person (expert) on the treatment side of the criminal proceedings or at the request of the investigator or trial judge on the basis of his expert knowledge of independent research, necessary to clarify the circumstances relevant to the criminal proceedings, which is reflected in the expert opinion. The lack of production in the criminal expert conclusion on the above issues, should be considered as the basis for the conclusions that the evidence insuffcient to solve the criminal proceedings on the merits. Also, the article pointed out some problems destination expert studies, in particular forensic examinations, their role in the detection and investigation of criminal offenses. In practice investigative units occupies a prominent place problematic lack of standardized powers from the investigator to appoint expert studies, including forensic, before making details to single register of pre-trial investigations. There is a logical question that is the basis for the qualifcation of illegal actions, including determining the severity of injuries and the like. To date, this situation requires its own legislative solution. Specialist in the investigation of crime is a necessary party to investigative operational group, without which the investigator is unable to manage both the primary and in the subsequent stages of the investigation. Skillfully and professionally conducted examination of the scene with his participation is the key to the formation of the proper starting material for further scheduling and conducting expert studies, among them a prominent place occupied by forensic medical examination.uk_UA
dc.publisherКриміналістика і судова експертизаuk_UA
dc.subjectкримінальне провадженняuk_UA
dc.subjectсудово-медична експертизаuk_UA
dc.subjectсудовий медикuk_UA
dc.subjectcriminal proceedingsuk_UA
dc.subjectforensic medical examinationuk_UA
dc.subjectforensic medicineuk_UA
dc.titleОкремі проблеми залучення спеціалістів під час досудового розслідування та призначення експертних дослідженьuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeSome problems of involvement in professional and appointment pretrial investigation of expert researchuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації

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