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dc.contributor.authorМихайлів, М.О.-
dc.contributor.authorMykhailiv, M.O.-
dc.descriptionМихайлів М.О. Спадкування у міжнародному приватному праві: автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.03 «Цивільне право і цивільний процес; сімейне право; міжнародне приватне право» / Михайлів Марія Омелянівна. - Львів: Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, 2022. - 39 с.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ дисертаційному дослідженні вперше у доктрині міжнародного приватного права запропоновано концепцію комплексного правового регулювання відносин міжнародного спадкування. У роботі запропоновано концептуально нові підходи до вдосконалення механізмів як матеріального, так і колізійного регулювання відносин міжнародного спадкування та розв’язання важливих теоретичних і прикладних проблем у цій сфері. Досліджено поняття та правову природу спадкування в міжнародному приватному праві. Проведено загальнотеоретичний аналіз джерел правового регулювання та запропоновано їхню класифікацію. Визначено суб’єкти відносин міжнародного спадкування та обґрунтовано їх класифікувати на безпосередніх учасників міжнародного спадкування та осіб, які сприяють реалізації спадкових прав у сфері міжнародного спадкування. Проаналізовано колізійні норми щодо спадкування в міжнародному приватному праві та запропоновано низку законодавчих змін у сфері колізійного регулювання різних видів спадкування. Основну увагу приділено загальній характеристиці спадкування за законом та за заповітом у міжнародному приватному праві. Визначено поняття «заповіт», «заповіт подружжя» та виокремлено новий вид заповіту - «біологічний заповіт». У роботі також проаналізовано особливості здійснення права на спадкування в міжнародному приватному праві. Висвітлення питань супроводжувалося аналізом іноземного законодавства, міжнародних договорів та матеріалів нотаріальної і судової практики, зокрема практики ЄСПЛ. За результатами проведеного дослідження обґрунтовано пропозиції щодо удосконалення чинного законодавства України у сфері спадкування та механізму правового регулювання відносин у сфері міжнародного спадкування. A concept of complex legal regulation of international inheritance relations in this research is proposed for the first time in the doctrine of private international law. Considering both home and foreign experience, based on the analysis of current legislation, international treaties, judicial and notarial practice, a systematic approach to the legal regulation of inheritance relations in private international law is substantiated. Chapter 1 «General theoretical characteristics of inheritance in private international law» consists of four subchapters, where the concept, as well as the juridical nature of inheritance in private international law, are analyzed, the sources of legal regulation of such relations are characterized, and mechanisms of the conflict regulation of inheritance regulations improvement are suggested. Based on the analysis of foreign experience, provisions of international treaties, and European Union law, we propose as the main connecting factor that will be generally applied to international inheritance establishing «the right of the state where the testator had his last permanent residence at the time of death». The features that will characterize the «last permanent place of residence of the testator», notably: a continuous residence of a natural person (the testator) on the territory of a foreign state for at least five years immediately preceding his death; the existence of a natural person’s (testator’s) family ties, social ties or both; availability of grounds for permanent residence of a natural person (testator) in the territory of this state (permanent residence permit in a foreign state) are underlined. It is concluded that heirs, both by will and by law, can be natural persons who are alive at the time of the opening of the inheritance, as well as individuals who were conceived during the life of the testator or using reproductive technologies after the opening of the inheritance within 6 months, having a lifetime disposition by a testator in a will or an agreement about the use of reproductive material after his death, and born alive after the opening of the inheritance. Chapter 2 «Inheritance by will in private international law» contains five subchapters, where the concept of a will and its types are analyzed, the form of a will, the juridical nature of certain types of testamentary disposition as well as the right to an obligatory share in the inheritance are investigated. The definition of a will in international inheritance relations has been formulated, under which it is suggested to understand the expression of the free will of a natural person or natural persons who were married at the time of its execution (will of the spouses), explicit in the form and under the procedure established by the law of the place of will execution, aimed at the disposal of property, rights and duties, which are not related to the personality of the testator, in case of his death. It is suggested to supplement the Civil Code of Ukraine with a new type of will, which is «a biological will», and define it as a testamentary disposition of the testator aimed at assigning the right to use his biological material to the heir (s) aiming at further use in compliance with the conditions determined by the testator and due to the procedure established by law. It is proven to provide for the possibility of making a will in the legislation of Ukraine in a simple written form in the presence of witnesses in cases of technogenic and natural emergencies or because of military actions or armed conflict which can threaten the life of the testator. Chapter 3 «Inheritance by law in private international law» consists of three subchapters, which analyze the legal status of subjects of inheritance relations in private international law, reveal the juridical nature of inheritance by right of representation and inheritance of shares to spouses in international inheritance relations. The doctrinal definition of the concept of inheritance by law is formulated, under which it is suggested to understand the manner of the right to inheritance implementation, according to which the transfer of inheritance takes place in the order of priority from the testator to natural persons who are blood relatives of the testator, as well as to other persons who, according to the law, are endowed with the right for inheritance. The expediency of the legislative establishment of the term «potential heirs» has been proven, which includes children of the testator who were conceived during the life of the testator and born after his death, as well as those conceived with the help of reproductive technologies both during the life of the testator and after the opening of the inheritance within six months, provided that disposition of the testator in the will or agreement on the use of reproductive material after his death. As a result, the legislation provides for the provision that the right to inherit by law for potential heirs arises from the moment of their birth. Chapter 4 «Implementation of the right to inheritance in private international law» includes four subchapters, which provide a general theoretical description of the acceptance of inheritance as well as the refusal to accept inheritance in international inheritance relations, and also analyze the peculiarities of the protection of inherited property and inheritance management in private international law. Based on the analysis of the legislation of foreign states, the position regarding the need to distinguish three types of periods for accepting inheritance in international inheritance relations is substantiated: a general period for inheritance acceptance; a particular period; an additional period for acceptance of inheritance, which is determined by the court in cases of missing the general or special terms for the acceptance of inheritance for valid reasons. It is concluded that the certificate of the right to inheritance is a document of the established form, which confirms both the status of the heir and the existence of the right to the inherited property, which in the process of inheritance applying legal succession passed from the testator to the heir, who, due to the legislation of the state of the place of inheritance opening order, accepted the inheritance. Based on the results of the study, the theoretical conclusions made it possible to formulate concrete proposals for improving legal regulation in the researched field, which are summarized in the Draft Law on Amendments to the legislation of Ukraine in the area of inheritance.uk_UA
dc.publisherЛьвівський національний університет імені Івана Франкаuk_UA
dc.subjectспадкування в міжнародному приватному правіuk_UA
dc.subjectспадкування з іноземним елементомuk_UA
dc.subjectспадкування за закономuk_UA
dc.subjectспадкування за заповітомuk_UA
dc.subjectохорона спадкового майнаuk_UA
dc.subjectуправління спадщиноюuk_UA
dc.subjectinheritance in private international lawuk_UA
dc.subjectinheritance with a foreign elementuk_UA
dc.subjectinheritance by lawuk_UA
dc.subjectinheritance by willuk_UA
dc.subjectprotection of inherited propertyuk_UA
dc.subjectheritage managementuk_UA
dc.titleСпадкування у міжнародному приватному праві: авторефератuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeInheritance in private international law: thesisuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Автореферати дисертацій

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