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Title: Соціально-психологічні детермінанти економічної соціалізації студентів
Other Titles: Social and psychological determinants of students’ economic socialization
Authors: Гуменюк, Л.Й.
Humeniuk, L.Y.
Keywords: економічна соціалізація
економічний суб’єкт
економічна поведінка
соціальні цінності
економічна ідентичність особистості
economic socialization
economic entity
economic behavior
social values
economic identity of the individual
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Психологічна;2
Abstract: Розкрито соціально-психологічну сутність суб’єктності економічної соціалізації особистості в межах економіко-психологічного простору суспільства. Вивчено результати емпіричного дослідження, в якому на когнітивному, афективному та конативному рівнях відображені соціально-психологічні особливості процесу економічної соціалізації особистості, що детермінують процес становлення економічного суб’єкта: ставлення до власності, до грошей, складові економічної культури студентської молоді. The psycho-pedagogical nature of subjectivity of individual economic socialization within the economic and psychological community is revealed in the article. The results of empirical research are pointed out. Social and psychological features of individual economic socialization process that determine the formation of economic entity: attitude to property, money, components of economic culture of students are reflected on the cognitive, affective and connotative levels. The purpose of empirical research was to study the relationship between the individual processes, economic objects such as property, money, wealth, and others that determine economic behavior and determine the characteristics of the individual as the entity of economic reality. The implementation of empirical research proved that the system of interrelation between the individual and economic entities is such an inter individual space that performs socializing function, that is, by being represented in the consciousness as a system of attitudes to the entities of property. Social and pedagogical sciences noticed a significant change in the understanding of socialization. Socialization is considered as an individual assimilation of social experience through its inclusion into the social environment and reconstruction of communication and relations, or as a process of active individual assimilation of social values and norms and their formation in the social setting that determines the positions and behavior of the individual as a personality in the social system. Socialization accounts the process and the result of assimilation and personal reconstruction of social experience that allows him to fully integrate into society. In modern society the individual behavior is often influenced by economic factors that cause the formation of economic socialization entity with his personal characteristics and value priorities. The empirical research comprised 200 respondents (100 students of Law Faculty and 100 students of the Faculty of Economy of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs). To study the three-component structure of formation of economic socialization entity were used the questionnaires on the method of semantic differential with several blocks of statements and descriptors that concerned: a) information about the property and the owner (cognitive components of economic socialization entity formation); b) emotional responses and evaluations of objects of assignment (affective and value components); c) the ways of property managment (connotative components of economic socialization entity formation). The analyses of the factors that constitute the ethical and semantic space of economic values, which the subject is guided by in property relations is conducted. The following forms of property are differentiated: personal, common, and extraneous. As a result of factorization of matrix estimation, three factors that occupied 66% of the total variance were manifested. According to the study the semantic space means mastering the property governed by contradictory factors. Choosing one way or another to act in dealing with other business property, the respondents, above all, are governed by social standards and the pedagogical laws. The motives of enrichment and entrepreneurship work out though they rarely correlate with socialization. The presence of the latter in the students’ value and motivational area, in some cases, may complicate the choice of a strategy and tactics of economic behavior, and thus complicate the process of selection to act like mature subject of property relations.
Description: Гуменюк Л.Й. Соціально-психологічні детермінанти економічної соціалізації студентів / Л.Й. Гуменюк, Л.А. Москва // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія психологічна. - 2016. - Випуск 2. - С. 20-31.
ISSN: 2311-8458
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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