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Title: Ідентифікація ризиків при мотивуванні персоналу підприємства
Other Titles: Identification of risks when motivating the personnel of an enterprise
Authors: Живко, З.Б.
Zhyvko, Z.B.
Keywords: risk
quantitative risks when motivating staff
qualitative risks when motivating staff
R-theory of motivation
economic evaluation
кількісні ризики при мотивуванні персоналу
якісні ризики при мотивуванні персоналу
R-теорія мотивації
економічне оцінювання
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Економічна;2
Abstract: Наведено сутнісну характеристику ризиків при мотивуванні персоналу як причинних ризиків у системі управління підприємством. Запропоновано класифікацію ризиків з урахуванням етапів мотивування персоналу підприємства. З’ясовано змістове наповнення кількісних і якісних ризиків при мотиву- ванні персоналу, запропоновано методи ідентифікації таких ризиків.The article presents an essential characteristic of risks in motivating the personnel as causal risks in the enterprise management system. The main aspects of objectivity and subjectivity of risk, special characteristics of risk and necessity of its estimation are determined. The emphasis is placed on the need to analyze the risks associated with personnel motivation, the psychological state of employees and the processes that occur in the person himself. The sequential stages of the motivation process and the need for systematic sequential work on the improvement of motivational mechanisms on the basis of balancing material and non-material incentive methods are singled out. When a person feels lack of something, he begins to seek ways by which he can satisfy the need. For each employee, the needs will be different, which is due to the peculiarity of perception and a specific hierarchy that is individual for each person. Risks of incentives are related to material and moral stimulation mismatch. Also, this type of risk may arise in the event of the destruction of the incentive system. In order to identify quantitative risks, we propose to expand the functions of employees of financial and economic divisions of the enterprise, which will be assigned control over the change of the main factors of influence on income and expenses of the enterprise, and especially labor productivity, since the reduction of the latter increases the likelihood of a risk of loss of income or growth. The classification of risks is proposed taking into account the stages of motivation of the personnel of the enterprise. The content of quantitative and qualitative risks in motivating the personnel has been specified. Methods of identification of such risks are offered.
Description: Живко З.Б., Чернобай Л.І., Чернобай Д.А. Ідентифікація ризиків при мотивуванні персоналу підприємства / З.Б. Живко, Л.І. Чернобай, Д.А. Чернобай // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія економічна. - 2017. - Випуск 2. - С. 179-189.
ISSN: 2311-844X
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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