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Title: Детермінанти злочинності в кримінально-виконавчих установах
Other Titles: Determinants of criminality in the criminalexecutive establishments
Authors: Гула, Н.Л.
Hula, N.L.
Keywords: пенітенціарна злочинність
внутрішні чинники
діяльність персоналу
penitentiary criminality
internal factors
activity of the stuf
Issue Date: 2018
Series/Report no.: Юридична;2
Abstract: Розглянуто поняття та зміст детермінантів злочинності в кримінально-виконавчих установах. Охарактеризовано структуру обставин, що сприяють вчиненню злочинів засудженими у місцях позбавлення волі. Окреслено фактори, що зумовлюють недоліки у діяльності кримінально-виконавчих установ. Визначено основні внутрішні чинники, що спонукають вчинення злочинів засудженими у місцях позбавлення волі. З’ясовано залежність пенітенціарної злочинність від непрофесійної діяльності персоналу зазначених установ, що належить до основних недоліків у системі виконання кримінальних покарань. With the aim of increase of efficiency of establishments of punishment implementation in counteraction to penitentiary criminality is determination of the concept of reasons and conditions that assist committing crimes by the convicts, that stipulated for their faultless exposure and removal in practice, the development of scientifically reasonable conclusions and recommendations aimed at the improvement of strategy and tactics of their prevention. It is stated in the article, that in the structure of crimes determination two groups of circumstances are distinguished: the circumstances of personality forming (antisocial setting) and the circumstances of the outer material world (definite vital situation), that influence a person while taking criminal behavior. A concept and essence of the determinants of criminality in criminal-executive establishments are considered. The structure of circumstances that assists committing crimes by the convicts in the places of imprisonment is described. The factors that determine faults in the activity of criminal-executive establishments are outlined. Basic internal factors that induce to committing crime by the convicts in the places of imprisonment are determined. The dependence of penitentiary criminality from the professional activity of stuff of the marked establishments is found out. It is proved that crimes in the environment of the convicts considerably are related to the stable distortion of their valued orientations. These are negative attitude to labor, norms of law, the idea that authority can be obtained by force or by humiliation of the weak, beating the similar persons, resistance to the management of the correctional institution, creation of informal groups, violation of the regime requirements, etc. Basic circumstances and factors that negatively influence on the state of criminality among the convicts are determined, among them are quantitative and qualitative changes of the prisoners contingent, namely decrease of their amount, as in the places of imprisonment there are the convicts with a high level of crimepregnant situation; it is impossible to provide their employment, that is caused by economical and financial crises in the state; defects in organizational and administrative activity of criminal-executive establishments.
Description: Гула Л.Ф. Детермінанти злочинності в кримінально-виконавчих установах / Л.Ф. Гула, Н.Л. Гула // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - Випуск 2. - 2018. - С. 235-243.
ISSN: 2311-8040
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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