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Title: Соціально-правові та морально-етичні настанови Г. С. Сковороди
Other Titles: Social and Legal, and Moral and Ethical Teachings of H. S. Skovoroda
Authors: Ряшко, О.В.
Riashko, O.V.
Keywords: людина
християнські чесноти
a man
Christian virtues
Issue Date: 2018
Series/Report no.: Юридична;2
Abstract: Розглянуто теоретико-філософські, соціально-правові концепції та настанови видатного українського мислителя Григорія Савича Сковороди, в яких глибоко й всебічно сформульовано низку філософських, соціальноправових, морально-етичних ідей, що в умовах розвитку і захисту української держави є надзвичайно актуальними і які не втратили своєї духовної, моральної та соціально-правової цінності. Life and creative legacy of H. Skovoroda has been for over two hundred years and remains now a subject of emphasis of philosophers, historians, linguists and art experts. H. Skovoroda became a part of the history of culture not only as a prominent, original, progressive philosopher and thinker, but also as a renown writer, who made a great contribution in the history of the Ukrainian literature. H. Skovoroda was not just a distinguished and original philosopher, an expert of philosophical and literary heritage of the Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Contemporary History, but also a wise and religious man, an example of high spirituality and morality as witnesses by all his fellow-countrymen, who knew philosophy well. Skovoroda lived and created during the epoch of existence of illegal, dehumanized absolutist regime of Russian Empire. This period is characterized by totalitarian serfdom of Ukrainian peasants, and Skovoroda could lose his freedom at any point, i.e. become a serf. Thinking over sense of life and being of a man, thinker emphasized upon his liberty and «liberty». The philosopher harshlydenounced unfairness, illegality of the existing power, exploitation of ordinary people. In Skovorodaʼs opinion, offices of public employees, those who administer the affairs of the state, are occupied by the people whose natural talents and skills and intellectual and moral level do not comply with these positions. In his creative pedagogical activity Skovoroda was striving for finding among his talented students those people who could obtain education and serve the goodness and justice, serve their nation. Thinker demonstrated the best spiritual and moral qualities and Christian virtues with his whole life, not only his creative work. He was extremely demanding to himself, demonstrating respect and sincere love to his friends and students, setting them on the path of the truth, goodness and justice. In his moral and ethical teachings he continuously reminded that perfection of a man is in creating the true goodness to the fellow creature, that is, a strict observance of teaching of our Savior Jesus Christ. Only a man with kind heart and good affairs, knowing God, can get peace of mind, calmness and happiness, this is the philosopherʼs key message. Skovoroda actively called the young people to gain not only profound knowledge, science, but to mould high spiritual, moral and ethical, and Christian values. Thinker gloried labor, human life according to the laws and teachings of high morality and Christian virtues in every possible way. Hryhoriy Skovoroda stepped forward to the development of progressive philosophy and social and legal idea, and his moral and ethical teachings are the example of humanity! They have not lost their social and humanistic value now.
Description: Ряшко О.В. Соціально-правові та морально-етичні настанови Г. С. Сковороди / О.В. Ряшко, Л.О. Остапенко // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - Випуск 2. - 2018. - С. 78-87.
ISSN: 2311-8040
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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