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Title: Вплив безпекових чинників на формування рівня економічної свободи в Україні
Other Titles: The influence of security factors on the development of level of economic freedom in Ukraine
Authors: Томаневич, Л.М.
Tomanevych, L.M.
Keywords: економічна система
соціально-економічна криза
верховенство права
індекс економічної свободи
дестабілізаційні чинники
economic system
social and economic crisis
supremacy of law
index of economic freedom
destabilizing factors
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Економічна;1
Abstract: Розглянуто основні чинники дестабілізації економічної системи України. Охарактеризовано індекс економічної свободи як важливий інструмент поглибленого макроекономічного аналізу економіки, який розраховується за кількісними і якісними факторами. Визначено причини недієвості економічних реформ в Україні, з’ясовано механізм організаційної взаємодії економічного стану та верховенства права. Запропоновано шляхи подолання соціально- економічної кризи в Україні. The main destabilizing factors of economic system in Ukraine were shown. The indexes of economic freedom as the important tool of thorough macroeconomic analysis of economy were analyzed. The main reasons of inefficiency of economic reforms in Ukraine through the lens of security and safety were determined. The mechanism of organizational cooperation of economic status and defense of economic law and order was specified. The main ways of improvement of index of economic freedom and overcoming of socioeconomic crisis in Ukraine were proposed. The importance of economic freedom of the country as one of the determinants of modern progressive society comes from a number of theoretical and practical aspects of public policy and the functioning of the country in the international economic relations. The features of economic freedom index calculation according to the methodology of Fraser Institute, Heritage Foundation and Freedom house are analyzed in the article. It has been found that approaches to determining the level of economic freedom are significantly different due to the differences in the understanding of its definition. The importance of economic freedom of the country as one of the determinants of modern progressive society comes from a number of theoretical and practical aspects of public policy and the functioning of the country in the international economic relations. The features of economic freedom index calculation according to the methodology of Fraser Institute, Heritage Foundation and Freedom house are analyzed in the article. It has been found that approaches to determining the level of economic freedom are significantly different due to the differences in the understanding of its definition. The analysis of these challenges suggests that further development of promising researches in this area requires a more detailed study of the civil society goals related to the support and implementation of the government programs in the social of security on the development of level of economic freedom, modernization and popularization of these programs.
Description: Томаневич Л.М. Вплив безпекових чинників на формування рівня економічної свободи в Україні / Л.М. Томаневич // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія економічна. - 2016. - Випуск 1. - С. 136-148.
ISSN: 2311-844X
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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