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Title: Принцип відповідальності у формуванні морально-професійного статусу працівника правоохоронних органів
Other Titles: Principle of liability in the formation of moral and professional status of law enforcement officers
Authors: Бліхар, В.С.
Blikhar, V.S.
Keywords: відповідальність
працівник правоохоронних органів
філософія права
law enforcement officers
philosophy of law
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Юридична;4
Abstract: Проаналізовано філософсько-правовий концепт принципу відповідальності у формуванні морально-професійного статусу працівника правоохоронних органів. З’ясовано, що принцип відповідальності лежить в основі службової активності, сумлінного ставлення кожного працівника правоохоронних органів до своїх службових обов’язків, а також є особливим методом, що забезпечує ефективне функціонування службових повноважень, однією з правових гарантій належного виконання завдань у межах компетенції та повноважень у конкретній галузі державного управління. It analyzed the legal and philosophical concept of the principle of responsibility in the formation of moral and professional law enforcement employee status. It was found that the principle of responsibility is the basis of the service activity, conscientious attitude of each employee of law enforcement bodies to their official duties, as well as a special method of ensuring the effective operation of official authority, one of the legal guarantees of proper execution of tasks within the jurisdiction and powers in the specific field of public administration. Service law enforcement official connected with many moral problems that are caused by specific legal activities. For example, the top management of the Ministry of Interior or the state apparatus (as evidenced by the sorry experience of the revolution of dignity in Ukraine) can be given criminal orders under the guise of formal compliance. Only high moral culture of law enforcement agencies can ensure that the solution that in this or that situation is not contrary to conscience. Indeed, conscience that dimension of spiritual values of the individual law enforcement official is the regulator of behavior that reveals a genuine professional duty which extent the specifics of the employees of law enforcement bodies are not purely formal implementation of job descriptions. In domestic legal doctrine, as you know, there are two main areas of understanding of legal liability – in perspective (positive) and retrospective (negative) contexts. In terms of prospective meaning of legal liability is largely confined to legitimate or responsible behavior. This dimension can be fully extended to the characteristic behavior of law enforcement officers that do not allow humiliation of his professional status and addressed them moral and ethical standards of conduct. However, the modern paradigm preferred interpretation of legal liability in a negative (retrospective) aspect. The relevance of the consideration of legal liability in a negative sense indicate status and rules of laws and legal codes of ethics that reinforces the provisions on disciplinary responsibility. Moral and ethical act in the context of the Code of Ethics is a violation of law enshrined in their requirements to mandatory. In summary, we note that moral responsibility means a law enforcement official responsible behavior towards other people’s ability to understand the needs of others and their own, respect for the individual, assistance, support and others. As for the relationship to itself, it means the care and responsibility for their profession, guide their own behavior, desires, needs more. Human behavior is always a moral evaluation (both individual performance and activities in general). Moral assessment should be specific, determined on the basis of conditions under which the act is committed estimated. In addition, the act must be assessed not as isolated, but in the context of all previous moral activity. And then appropriate to talk about complex «moral parameters» – estimates. Moral behavior is accompanied by the principle of responsibility, which can manifest itself in positive and negative ways. The positive form of responsibility – a sense of its importance, the impact of the events of a sense of power over events occurring. The negative form of responsibility – a sense of uncertainty about the ability to achieve positive results, anxiety, fear.
Description: Бліхар В.С. Принцип відповідальності у формуванні морально-професійного статусу працівника правоохоронних органів / В.С. Бліхар // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2016. - Випуск 4. - С. 333-341.
ISSN: 2311-8040
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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