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Title: Проблемні аспекти виконання рішень господарського суду в Україні та шляхи їх удосконалення
Other Titles: The problematic aspects of execution of the judgements of arbitration court of Ukraine and the ways of their improvement
Authors: Мелех, Л.В.
Melekh, L.V.
Keywords: господарський спір
господарське судочинство
примусове виконання
державні виконавці
інститут приватних виконавців
ефективність виконання рішень господарського суду
arbitrary dispute
arbitrary proceedings
state officials
institution of private executors
effectiveness of the execution of the arbitration court judgements
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Юридична;4
Abstract: Визначено проблемні аспекти виконання рішень господарського суду в Україні. Виявлено передумови виникнення сучасних проблем, які, насамперед, пов’язані з наявністю прогалин у чинному законодавстві та відсутністю єдиного підходу до їх усунення у праві. Обґрунтовано місце інституту виконання рішень господарських судів у системі норм господарсько-процесуального права. На підставі аналізу зарубіжного досвіду організації виконання рішень у господарських справах запропоновано позитивні нововведення, які здатні сприяти ефективному виконанню судових рішень, а також врахування його під час реформування чинного законодавства України. The article is dedicated to defining of the problematic aspects of execution of the judgements of Arbitration court of Ukraine. The prerequisites for the occurrence of existing problems, which are mostly caused by the gaps in the existing law and the lack of the sole approach to their elimination, were detected. The place of the institution of arbitration court judgements execution in the normative system of economical procedural law is substantiated. Based on the analysis of foreign practices with the organization of arbitration court judgements execution, positive innovative ideas, which should facilitate the effective execution of judgements as well as be taken into account during the reformation of the existing law of Ukraine, were proposed. However, the important issue, which is discussed in the given article, is the proposal of the ways to improve problematic aspects that are occurring during the execution of the arbitration court judgements. The current problem is the one that exists in the area of judgement execution. In the economical procedural law of Ukraine, the institution of arbitration court judgements execution occupies one of the leading places because the execution of judgements is the final stage of the arbitration court proceedings without which all previous stages lose their practical value since only on this stage the actual defense and restoration of the violated and disputed interests of the participants of commercial relationships occur. Thus, it can be stated that the state should not only guarantee the right to go to the court but seek a proper execution of a judgement. Yet, in the law literature the proper attention to the judicial control of methods and order of the execution of arbitration court judgments is not given. Besides, the task of creation of the reliable legal framework that would define exact boundaries of the application of the norm of economical procedural law in the part that concretizes the procedures of judgements execution remains undone. Also, the general tendencies in the improvement of effectiveness of arbitration court judgements execution and the creation of reliable and efficient mechanism of implementation of arbitration court acts are left to be researched. The research into the problematic aspects of the execution of arbitration court judgements has been conducted by such researchers as O. A. Svyatohor, whose works are centered around the particularities of the practice of arbitration court judgements as well as around the foreign studies in this field; V. I. Tat’kov, who researched the problems of implementation of effective execution of arbitration court judgements in the context of the right to a fair trial and as one of the tendencies in arbitration court procedures; V. F. Boptnyak, who is researching the forms and methods of activity of State Executive Service (SES); A. I. Perepelytsya, whose subject of research is organizational and legal foundations of SES activities; B. M. Huk, who pay special attention to the place of SES in the system of state bodies of Ukraine and the particularities of its legal status; O. M. Naumenko, S. Ya. Fursa, Yu. V. Bilousov, I. C. Nikolayev whose subjects of research were various problems in the theory and practice of the execution of judgements of courts and other public bodies. The aim of the article is the investigation of the problematic aspects of the execution of arbitration court judgements. Based on the analysis of theoretical principles, system of normative regulations, practice of implementation of existing law principles with regard to the execution of arbitration court judgements as well as the analysis of foreign practices, the following is covered: the gaps and contradictions in the existing law norms are defined; the general tendencies and their causes are found out; and based on this research the ways to the solution of the existing problems are proposed.
Description: Мелех Л.В. Проблемні аспекти виконання рішень господарського суду в Україні та шляхи їх удосконалення / Л.В. Мелех, О.В. Візняк // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2016. - Випуск 4. - С. 121-131.
ISSN: 2311-8040
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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