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Title: Антиправова, антигуманна сутність сталінського тоталітарного режиму: історико-правовий аспект (до 80-річчя "Великого терору")
Other Titles: Illegal, antihuman essence of Stalin’s totalitarian regime: historical and legal aspect (to the 80th anniversary of the «Great Terror»)
Authors: Ряшко, О.В.
Riashko, O.V.
Keywords: держава
ворог народу
enemy of the people
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Юридична;4
Abstract: Проаналізовано деякі аспекти політики сталінського тоталітарного режиму. Вказано, що протягом усієї діяльності Й. Сталін провадив цілеспрямовану, послідовну, антиправову, антигуманну політику, прикриваючись уявними ідеологемами боротьби як з внутрішніми, так і зовнішніми ворогами, які в СРСР прагнули запровадити капіталізм. Зазначено, що, проводячи колективізацію й індустріалізацію, мільйони селян були визнані куркулями та піддані репресіям. Констатовано, що Й. Сталін і його соратники провадили активну пропагандистську діяльність, яка була важливим чинником ідеологічного та психологічного впливу на людей. Among tragic events of the XX-th century, a special place is occupied by political and state activity of Y. Stalin, who went down in history as an active organizer and immediate supervisor of terror, repressions, that resulted in death of millions of innocent people. Stalin’s repressive and punitive machine aggressively exterminated the USSR people, from ordinary citizens to supreme public and political leaders, actors of science and culture, representatives of religious confessions, command-and-political staff of the army. In 1927 Stalin has become a dictator, any of his illegal instructions and decisions gained a form of a law, and failure to observe them was cruelly punished. The year of 1937 went down in history of our people as a «Great Terror». This antinational, illegal, antihuman action was a continuation of a terror set off by the Bolsheviks headed by V. Lenin. Stalin’s party and political leadership conscientiously planned and implemented one of the most awful illegal, antihuman action in the history of Ukraine, Man-Made Famine (1932–1933). The objective factor facilitating the illegal, antinational, antihuman Stalin’s activity was the dictator’s regime of personal unrestricted uncontrolled Stalin’s power which appeared not without reason. The objective factor facilitating it was, firstly, the existing political and legal power of the USSR in the form of the dictatorship of proletarians. It opened vast opportunities to the Stalin’s totalitarian regime to use violence in the struggle with the so-called «enemies of the people». Secondly, the totalitarian and authoritarian system of party and state leadership openly rejected the democratic essence of laws and freedoms of an individual, norms and procedures existing in democratic states, and transformed a law enforcement authority into a repressive and punitive system. Thirdly, Stalin repeatedly emphasized that in the course of building of socialism, both inside and outside of the state, its enemies would do their best in order not to allow capitalist set-ups in the USSR, therefore class warfare would be escalated. This instruction of the dictator directed the entire activity of the NKVD for the search of «enemies of the people». Stalin’s cult of personality and terror set off by him triggered fear. It came to the dwelling of each Soviet family, in the consciousness of not only ordinary citizen, but also the dictator’s inner circle. The purpose of terror was first of all to create a feeling of total fear, powerlessness and enslavement before the authorities in the people’s consciousness.
Description: Ряшко О.В. Антиправова, антигуманна сутність сталінського тоталітарного режиму: історико-правовий аспект (до 80-річчя "Великого терору") / О. В. Ряшко, І. М. Коваль // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2017. - Випуск 4. - С. 68-77.
ISSN: 2311-8040
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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