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Title: Окремі аспекти кваліфікації порушень правил безпеки дорожнього руху або експлуатації транспорту особами, які керують транспортними засобами в Україні (ст. 286 КК України)
Other Titles: Separate aspects of the qualification of violation of the rules of road safety or vehicle operation by persons who drive vehicles in Ukraine (Article 286 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)
Authors: Гапчич, В.О.
Hapchych, V.O.
Keywords: об’єктивна сторона
форми діяння
проблеми кваліфікації
дорожньо-транспортні пригоди
objective side of corpus delict
forms of action
problems of qualification
traffic accidents
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Юридична;3
Abstract: Проаналізовано об’єктивну сторону складу злочину, передбаченого ст. 286 КК України, а також з’ясовано ті специфічні ознаки й особливості, що характерні лише складу порушення правил безпеки дорожнього руху або експлуатації транспорту особами, які керують транспортними засобами та залишили місце дорожньо-транспортної пригоди. The objective side of body of the crime which is foreseen in the article 286 of the Criminal code of Ukraine is analyzed. The article is also dedicated to the ascertaining of specific features and peculiarities of body of the crime violation of traffic safety rules or vehicle operation by persons who drive vehicles and left the place of traffic accident. Statistics over the last few years demonstrates negative dynamics of a number and consequences of traffic accidents in Ukraine. It is focused attention on the problems of the severity of the consequences in the result of violation of traffic safety rules or vehicle operation by persons who drive vehicles and non-compliance by the road traffic participants other norms and standards which secure its assurance. Driver’s disappearance from a traffic accident is one of the aspects that influence negatively on the qualification of this body of the crime. The comparative analysis gives us the possibility to demonstrate ambiguity in the process of qualification such an action as «disappearance from a traffic accident» from the basis of definition causal relationship of these bodies as administrative offense as well as a crime. There is no doubt that traffic accident and disappearance from a traffic accident as notions as well as actions are in the only one space of causal relationship. This relationship is unambiguous in the administrative legislation because of placing of these bodies of the administrative offences in the relevant II section of chapter 10 of Code on administrative offenses of Ukraine. The analysed bodies of the crime have causal relationship which is not so obvious and concretized which is confirmed because of placing of these bodies of the crime in the different sections of the Special part of the Criminal code of Ukraine. In connection with the above, it is proposed to investigate more thoroughly, define normatively and fix in the Criminal code of Ukraine an action «disappearance from a traffic accident by the person who committed it» during the qualification violation of traffic safety rules or vehicle operation by persons who drive vehicles (art. 286 of the Criminal code of Ukraine) including the basis of criminal responsibility.
Description: Гапчич В.О. Окремі аспекти кваліфікації порушень правил безпеки дорожнього руху або експлуатації транспорту особами, які керують транспортними засобами в Україні (ст. 286 КК України) / В. О. Гапчич // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2017. - Випуск 3. - С. 123-130.
ISSN: 2311-8040
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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