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Title: Право на приватність: царина незалежності особи
Other Titles: Right to privacy: realm of individual independence
Authors: Панкевич, О.З.
Pankevych, O.Z.
Keywords: право на приватність
персональні дані
рада європи
національна стратегія у сфері прав людини
right to privacy
personal data
the Council of Europe
national strategy for human rights
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Юридична;2
Abstract: Здійснено аналіз права на приватність – одного з найважливіших особистісних прав. Наведено причини недостатньої уваги в Україні до прайвесі як до політико-правового феномену. Наголошено, що в умовах розвитку найновіших технологій право на приватність, основою якого є питання здобуття і поширення інформації про особу, піддається постійним загрозам його порушення. The article is devoted to general theoretical analysis of the right to privacy most clearly reflecting the human freedom being, in the author’s opinion, one of the most important personal rights. The personal rights are emphasized to ensure autonomy of individuals, personal potency of their development and self-definition, to protect from interference into private life and personal freedom both by the state and other parties. It is noted that the study of the right to privacy is of great importance both for legal science, and for lawmaking and law enforcement practice related to the protection of human rights and freedoms and their individuality development. Attention is drawn to the fact privacy in the Ukrainian state as a political and legal phenomenon remains largely terra incognita. The case is not only that the term «privacy» is a «shortcut» for a special legal category in the English and American legal systems and has no analogues in the Ukrainian language. It may mean private life in some cases, the right to privacy – in the second cases, and the right to protection of private life – in the third, etc. Another important reason for the above situation is that privacy issues were ignored during the Soviet period: since a human was considered only a «screw» in the state mechanism of the totalitarian political machine. Thus, of course, no attention was paid to the problems of the individual either in theory or in practice; it was thought at that time that the latter simply does not deserve such attention! The theory was developing by giving absolute priority to such concepts as «working people», «Soviet people» that led to «neglecting» individuals» ignoring their needs and interests. This situation is unacceptable in today’s civilized world. It is particularly emphasized that right to privacy, «core» issue of which is related to gaining, keeping and disseminating information about a person, is exposed to constant threats of abuse in the rapid development of the latest technology.
Description: Панкевич О.З. Право на приватність: царина незалежності особи / О. З. Панкевич // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2017. - Випуск 2. - С. 47-56.
ISSN: 2311-8040
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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