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Title: Проект Трудового кодексу України: загальний огляд
Other Titles: Draft Labour Code of Ukraine: a general survey
Authors: Бутинська, Р.Я.
Butynska, R.Ya.
Keywords: право на працю
оплата праці
трудовий договір
примусова праця
right to work
labour agreement
forced labour
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Юридична;2
Abstract: Здійснено спробу аналізу перемін у трудовому законодавстві, які обумовлені майбутнім прийняттям Трудового кодексу, що має з’явитися на зміну чинному Кодексу законів про працю України, прийнятому ще 1971 року. Запропоновано та обґрунтовано власне бачення деяких змін до проекту ТК, які назагал по-новому та прогресивніше, на думку автора, врегулюють трудові відносини. Акцентовано, що проект трудового договору містить цікаві пропозиції і новели, проте потребує дещо новішого, прогресивнішого, європейського підходу до реалізації громадянами права на працю. The article deals with investigating changes in the labour legislation stipulated by the future adoption of the Labour Code, which must amend the current Labour Code of Ukraine, passed in 1971. A characteristic feature of the modern labour legislation is the fact that it includes a significant number of by-laws and regulations, which contain thousands of norms of labour law, and some of them often come into conflict with acts that have a higher legal force. Ukraine continues to apply certain legislative acts of the former USSR or their specific provisions (passed in 1930, 1933, and 1974). In practice, this complicates the application of the labour legislation, particularly for the protection of an employee’s rights. The own view of some changes to the Draft Labour Code was proposed and substantiated. In general, these changes will regulate labour relations in a new way. The positive result is the retreat in the Labour Code from the Soviet doctrine, according to which salary is defined as pecuniary reward for work. After all, such definition was given in Soviet times, when labour was considered as an obligation of every human being and salary was appropriate for reward. The worker carries out the job, provided by a labour agreement, which is paid, and he counts on «remunaration». It is proven that the structure of salary should be limited to basic and surplus, not to include guarantees and compensations to it. It is concluded that the draft labour agreement contains interesting suggestions and novels, but generally requires a slightly newer and more progressive European approach to implementation of the right to labour by workers. After all, the changes, which are proposed to establish by this Act, resemble rather changes and amendments to the current Labour Code of Ukraine. We would like to see a new Labour Code reflecting the European development of our country.
Description: Бутинська Р.Я. Проект Трудового кодексу України: загальний огляд / Р. Я. Бутинська // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2017. - Випуск 2. - С. 78-90.
ISSN: 2311-8040
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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