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Title: Історико-філософська рефлексія війни
Other Titles: Historical and philosophical reflection of the War
Authors: Шевців, М.Б.
Shevtsiv, M.B.
Keywords: мир
теорія справедливої війни
мета війни
природне право
theory of fair war
the objective of the war
natural law, pacifism
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Юридична;2
Abstract: Здійснено історико-філософський огляд поняття війни, трактування та ставлення до неї різних науковців та наукових шкіл, а саме: Марка Тулія Цицерона, Святого Амвросія, Томи Аквінського, Августина, Г. Гроція, Карла фон Клаузевіца, Гердера, Г. Гегеля, Л. Толстого, Н. Радищева, Й. Галтунги та інших. Охарактеризовано теорію справедливої війни, на яку звернув увагу ще Арістотель у своїй праці «Політика» і яка використовується при описанні воєн, які велися греками «в ім’я поширення культури і цивілізації» проти інших націй, бо ті вважалися варварами. The article implements historical and philosophical digression of the war concept, its treatment and attitude by various scientists and scientific schools of the past and present. Thus, special attention is paid to the characteristics of fair war theory, which has been already mentioned by Aristotle in his work «Politics» and has been used when describing the Greeks wars «in the name of spreading culture and civilization» against not Greeks, as they have been considered barbarians. In fact, the spread of political and economic control over new territories was the real cause of these wars. Roman politician and orator Marcus Tullius Cicero, in his turn, addressed the issues of war in the work «On duties. » Cicero considered war as an extreme measure, which should be resorted to only in rare cases. Saint Ambrose also believed that those who did not hit their friends’ enemy, if they could, are just as guilty as those who beat and behaved unfair. Thomas Aquinas, having accepted the position of Augustine, characterizes the fair war theory as system set of criteria: just cause; legitimacy of power; righteous intentions. The Dutchman H. Grotius refers to the analysis of war and peace concepts in his fundamental work «On the Law of War and Peace. » Instead, in his book «On the War» Carl von Clausewitz introduces two concepts which, in his opinion, are necessary to analyze the war: «political goal of war» and «objective of military actions». The ancient philosopher Herder puts forward a set of principles for educating people in the spirit of justice and humanity, including aversion to the war. In contrast to the predecessors, G. Hegel’s theory sounds as a sharp dissonance. According to his statements, war – is the engine of historical progress. L. Tolstoy advocated in his writings the idea of «non-resistance to evil by violence». N. Radyshchev, in his turn, rejected those regulations of the theory of natural law, which recognized the war as inevitable, and justified the right for war. Famous researcher J. Haltunha tried to go beyond the narrow limits of pacifism that appeared as a new theory in the United States and Great Britain after the Napoleonic wars. His concept is expressed in minimization of violence and injustice in the world, and only in this case the higher vital human values will be implemented.
Description: Шевців М.Б. Історико-філософська рефлексія війни / М.Б. Шевців // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2016. - Випуск 2. – С. 96-104.
ISSN: 2311-8040
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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