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Title: Предмет складу злочину , передбаченого статтею 368² КК України
Other Titles: The subject of corpus delicti envisaged by the article 3682of the criminal code of Ukraine
Authors: Ясінь, І.М.
Yasin, I.M.
Keywords: предмет складу злочину
ознаки предмета
грошові кошти
the subject of the corpus delicti
features of the subject
money funds
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Юридична;1
Abstract: Досліджено предмет складу незаконного збагачення шляхом аналізу змісту та обсягу цього поняття. На основі аналізу правових положень національного та міжнародного законодавства надано тлумачення поняття «активи» у складі злочину «Незаконне збагачення», вказано на можливі проблеми у правозастосуванні. У процесі дослідження надано конкретні пропозиції щодо внесення змін у диспозицію ст. 3682 КК України в частині її предмета. The article deals with the subject of the illicit enrichment structure by analyzing the content and the scope of this concept. The meaning of the subject of corpus delicti envisaged by the Article 3682of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is characterized by the features that can be combined into four groups: physical, social, economic and legal. The physical feature of the subject of the illicit enrichment structure is that it can exist only in the form of wealth, which is fixed by human senses and have money expression. That is, this feature becomes apparent in the sense that the discussed subject as the object in the material world of public relations can be acquired or transferred by the subject of the relevant relationships. The social feature means that the assets are of certain value and significance for members of specific social relations. In particular, they are the grounds for arising social relationships between their entities in the activities of persons authorized to fulfill state functions and local self-government, with the observance by these entities the statutory procedure for acquiring the assets in the property. The economic feature is that the subject of illicit enrichment structureis of exchange (money) and consumer value, capable to meet material and other related human needs. However, the amount of the subject of the illegal enrichment structure which reflects the actual volume of assets, restricts the force of the Article 368² of the Criminal Code of Ukraine because of the legally established scope of the subject which is inflated. The legal feature is that the subject of the crime is not proof for legal grounds in acquiring essets in the property. Cash, other property and income from them constitute the extent of the subject of the illicit enrichment structure and are covered as assets.
Description: Ясінь І.М. Предмет складу злочину , передбаченого статтею 368² КК України / І.М. Ясінь // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2016. - Випуск 1. – С. 286-298.
ISSN: 2311-8040
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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