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Title: Права і свободи людини як визначальні засади її правового статусу
Other Titles: Human rights and freedoms as defining principles of the legal status
Authors: Боровікова, В.С.
Borovikova, V.S.
Keywords: права людини
конституція України
правовий статус
громадянське суспільство
human rights
the constitution of Ukraine
legal status
civil society
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Юридична;2
Abstract: Характеризуючи основні положення теорії прав людини з урахуванням значущості цього інституту для сучасних правових реалій, розглянуто засадничі підстави формування правового статусу особи. Обґрунтовано його сутність, що полягає в юридично зафіксованому становищі людини в суспільстві та державі, закріпленому в нормативно-правових та індивідуально-правових актах. З’ясовано важливість розуміння й осмислення поняття правового статусу для самоутвердження індивіда в суспільстві та державі. The article deals with the significance of the phenomenon in current legal reality for forming basic grounds of institutionalization of person legal status, proceeding from the main principles of the theory of human rights. The main generally accepted definitions of this category in legal science are analyzed, the essence of which is based on general theoretical justification is legally fixed position of man in society and state, consolidated in the legal and individual legal acts. It is considered the importance of understanding and realizing of the notion of legal status of person (individual, personality) for self-affirmation in society and the state, concerning the current state of the research of the problem of rights and freedoms of man and citizen in national judicial science (the brief research of the main publications concerning the choosing topic was done). Since in general theoretical legal doctrine established that human rights and freedoms and their guarantees determine the essence and direction of the state, strengthening and ensuring of the rights are its main duty that is reflected in the Constitution as the fundamental law of the country. In this context the actualization of the protection not only of fundamental inalienable (natural) rights, but also social, economic and political rights of man and a citizen is emphasized. Taking into consideration special meaning of this complex of rights, which are consolidated not only in national legislation, but in numerous international conventions and declarations (including General Declaration of Human rights from 1948), it is underlined that they should be also referred to basically determined, as they are necessary element of civil society and legal state. According to the authors Considering point of view of the authors of the article, examining the structure of the legal status gives grounds to add at least one more essential component as contextually specified as sociality (social status). Stipulates that characterized this open society (namely this should be civil society), which implemented all fundamental human rights, including and political. It is stipulated, that the characterization of the opening of the society (namely, society should be like that) where all fundamental human rights are implemented , including political. And the last, which are related to such categories as citizenship and citizen, also considered defining principles of legal status of man, physical person, due to the citizenship of Ukraine.
Description: Боровікова В.С. Права і свободи людини як визначальні засади її правового статусу / В. С. Боровікова, О. М. Заверуха // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2015. - Випуск 2. - С. 3-18.
ISSN: 2311-8040
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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