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Title: Поняття та ознаки сім’ї за законодавством України
Other Titles: The concept and the features of the family under the legislation of Ukraine
Authors: Дутко, А.О.
Dutko, A.O.
Keywords: сім’я
ознаки сім’ї
право на сім’ю
право на створення сім’ї
право на проживання в сім’ї
право на повагу до свого сімейного життя
право на державну охорону сім’ї
family features
right to a family
right to marry
right to reside in a family
right to respect to his/her family life
right to state protection of the family
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Юридична;3
Abstract: Здійснено науково-теоретичний аналіз поняття, ознак, підстав створення сім’ї, правового регулювання права на сім’ю за законодавством України. Охарактеризовано істотні ознаки сім’ї, сформульовано визначення поняття «сім’я» і запропоновано закріпити чіткий перелік підстав створення сім’ї. Проаналізовано види сімей та законодавство, яке їх закріплює. Виокремлено елементи права на сім’ю як природного (загальносоціального) права особи. Зазначено, що у структурі права особи на сім’ю наявні статичні та динамічні аспекти. The article deals with the scientific and theoretical analysis of the concept, features, grounds of a family, legal regulation of the right to the family under the legislation of Ukraine. It is noted that the mandatory features of the family are connectedness with common way of life and the availability of mutual rights and duties, the moral support of family members, and facultative features are common residence, legal responsibility for the failure of family duties and financial aid of family members. Taking into consideration the essential features of the family it is suggested to fix in the legislation the following definition: «Family – is a union of persons who live together, are linked by common life, are endowed the relevant rights and duties, are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of family duties and combined with moral and material assistance and support». It is suggested to set up a clear list of family grounds which are: – marriage; – kindred; – de facto marital relations; – the adoption of the child; – social parenthood. This author analyses the types of families and the legislation that establishes them. The authors consider the elements of the right to family as the natural (general social) right: – the right to family; – the right to reside in the family; – the right to respect for his/her family life, which is a component of the right to respect to his/her personal (private) life; – the right to state protection of the family. The authors note that the structure of the right to family has existing static and dynamic aspects: static elements form the core of the right to family (a right to respect to his/her family life and the right to state protection of the family), dynamic ones are – movable components which form a moving mechanism of the right to family gradually expand, change and enrich the content of the right to family (right to marry and the right to reside in the family).
Description: Дутко А.О. Поняття та ознаки сім’ї за законодавством України / А.О. Дутко, С.Р. Мних // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2014. - Випуск 3. – С. 99-108.
ISSN: 2311-8040
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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