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Title: Взаємозв’язок ефективності покарання і рівня рецидивної злочинності
Other Titles: Interconnection of efficiency of punishment and level of recurrent criminality
Authors: Телефанко, Б.М.
Telefanko, B.M.
Keywords: рецидив злочину
попередження рецидиву
виправна колонія
repetition of a crime
prevention of a recidivism
correctional colony
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Юридична;3
Abstract: Вивчено складні питання покарання і вчинення рецидиву злочинів. В Україні рецидивістів щороку більше. Що значніша кількість попередніх покарань, то вища небезпека нового рецидиву. Головна психологічна особливість рецидиву у впертості, з якою повторюються злочини, незважаючи на отримані злочинцем покарання. Особа рецидивіста – визначальний чинник детермінації рецидиву злочинів. The article deals with the tough problem of punishment and committing crime recidivism. The number of recidivists increases with each year in Ukraine. The greater amount of previous punishments, the higher possibility of new recidivism. The main psychological feature of recidivism consists in obstinacy with which the further crimes are repeated, despite the existing negative experience. A personage of recidivist is the determinative feature of relapse of crimes. Though punishment is aimed to create reason to prevent a relapse, but it appears powerless, because than more frequent a person tests on itself operate punishment, the it follows to expect less success from his application. Psychologically more easily to step over a few one time less severe law, than one time more severe. But courts in Ukraine are oriented on the average on the lower estimation of public danger of relapse of crimes, than legislator provides for. Less severe punishment and awareness of this circumstance promotes an offender because criminal psychology which becomes determining in relation to next criminal activity is formed. The process of setting and serving of punishment can stop persons from the feasance of relapse of crimes. If a person did committing crime the handicraft, justice deals with a subject to which it is necessary to apply more severe punishment. From other side, a surplus strictness in relation to recidivists is also unfair, because situation in the places of imprisonment such from which to go out not only corrected, and only not worse, than entered, very hardness. For the correction of convict-recidivist important relation him to the perfect by him crime, awareness of public danger perfect more important, than what crime is perfect. Potential of punishment can show up only in the case of repentance of offender in perfect.
Description: Телефанко Б.М. Взаємозв’язок ефективності покарання і рівня рецидивної злочинності / Б.М. Телефанко // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2014. - Випуск 3. – С. 229-236.
ISSN: 2311-8040
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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