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Title: Застосування паралінгвістики під час допиту
Other Titles: Using paralinguistics during the interrogation
Authors: Пряхін, Є.В.
Priakhin, Ye.V.
Keywords: паралінгвістика
невербальні засоби
викриття неправдивих показань
міміка та жести
мікровираження обличчя
інсценування емоцій
nonverbal techniques
exposure of false testimonies
facial expressions and gestures
staging of emotions
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Юридична;1
Abstract: Розглянуто невербальні методи діагностики завідомо неправдивих показань під час допиту, описано механізм їх здійснення та значення для кримінального провадження в контексті нового КПК України. Опрацьовано важливі ознаки обману з боку допитуваного що пов’язані з проявами емоцій у вигляді жестів і міміки особи. Виокремлено найбільш явні прояви свідомо неправдивих показань допитуваного, що можуть бути застосовані під час проведення досудового розслідування в Україні. The article provides the insight into the non-verbal means of diagnosing the intentional misrepresentations given during the interrogation, under CPC of Ukraine 2012. As to the criminal procedural peculiarities of interrogation, the article provides their advantages and disadvantages, characterizes criminal and procedural tools of fixing the process and results of interrogation, in particular, this is interrogation protocol, its fixation with the technical means of sound and videorecording, and peculiarities of conducting this investigative action in videoconference mode. As to non-verbal means of detection and revealing the intentional misinterpretations, the article describes some key methods this, which include special emotional condition of the person, evidence of thinking difficulties of the interrogated and excess self-control. Emotional deceit characteristics were considered in detail, such as following: the fear of revelation, concerns about the guilt or shame for the things done and in some cases joy because of misleading the interrogator. The article describes such tactical and psychological methods of interrogation as asking various types of questions, providing material evidence, disclosure of other person’s evidence, the on-site interrogation and clearing the consequences of criminal offence. The article analyzed and describes in detail such sources of information «leakage» and other deceit symptoms during interrogation as body movements, gestures and mimicry. It included considering the means of the person’s concealing his/her real emotional condition and the ones aimed at its falsification. The first include the emotional suppression and its substitution by the other one expressed on his/her face in the form of micro-expressions reflected in different muscles groups, particularly those which can be controlled and falsified by the interrogated most, and those emotional expressions which can not be falsified. As to the first group, the reasons and peculiarities are described of the emotional reflections by the forehead muscles and mouth of the interrogated and different types of eyes reaction. Also smile sincerity and insincerity characteristics along with the common symptoms due to which we can judge about the «staging» of facial expressions in general, which includes the asymmetry, unnatural duration and untimeliness of emotional reflection.
Description: Пряхін Є.В. Застосування паралінгвістики під час допиту / Є.В. Пряхін, Н.І. Когут // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія юридична. - 2014. - Випуск 1. – С. 358-370.
ISSN: 2311-8040
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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