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Title: Адвокат як суб'єкт надання професійної правової (правничої) допомоги
Other Titles: Lawyer as a subject of professional legal (human) assistance provision
Authors: Курило, Т.В.
Kurylo, T.V.
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0039-5121
Keywords: адвокатура
правова допомога
адвокатська діяльність
правоохоронна діяльність
institution of the bar
legal status of attorney
right to defense
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: ;2
Abstract: Проаналізовано суть, значення інституту адвокатури в системі правоохоронних органів України. Визначено правову основу діяльності адвокатури і правового статусу адвоката, зокрема, в статті зазначено переваги та недоліки конституційно-правової реформи адвокатури в Україні. Сформульовано правовий статус адвоката на підставі низки нормативно-правових актів. Зазначено, що місце адвокатури в сучасній правовій системі можна охарактеризувати як один із способів самообмеження державної влади за допомогою створення і функціонування незалежного правозахисного інституту, що сприяє своєю діяльністю виконанню конституційної функції держави – реалізації та захисту прав і свобод людини. The institution of the Bar and the status of an attorney at the present stage of the formation of Ukrainian State are analyzed. It is noted that the world experience of law practice is summarized in the resulting document of the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, held in August 1990. «Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers» are based on the fundamental principles of the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and a number of other generally recognized documents. These documents cover all aspects of the activity of an attorney, his/her rights and obligations, as well as the obligations of governments, judicial and administrative bodies to ensure the effective work of attorneys for counseling and legal assistance. Today, the institution of the Bar in Ukraine has undergone signifiant changes. The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Union, Article 131-2 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine «On the Bar and Practice of Law», the Law of Ukraine «On Free Legal Aid», norms of the Criminal Procedure and Civil Procedure Codes of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine «On the High Council of Justice» constitute the legal basis for the activity of an attorney. The subordinate regulations governing the professional activity of attorneys of Ukraine include: the Decree of the President of Ukraine «On Measures to Improve Work of the Bar in Ukraine», the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On the Procedure for Registration of Advocates’ Associations», the Rules of Advocates’ Ethics approved by the High Qualifiation Commission of the Bar of Ukraine under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The basic principles of advocacy are: – rule of law; – legality; – democracy; – independence; – humanity; – avoidance of conflcts of interests; – dominance of client’s interests; – culture of behavior; – honesty, decency. The Bar must perform the main tasks that can be determined in accordance with its constitutional status. Article 59 of the Basic Law of Ukraine establishes that the task of the Bar is that the latter acts to ensure the right to defense against charges and to provide legal assistance in deciding cases in courts and other state bodies. Exercising his/her functions and realizing his/her rights, an attorney certainly has certain guarantees of his/her activity. These guarantees are the ways and means of protecting the rights of attorneys from their violations. The professional rights of an attorney are guaranteed and protected by the Law of Ukraine «On the Bar and Practice of Law». All possible interferences and obstacles to legal practice are prohibited, it is prohibited to demand disclosure of confiential information of an attorney; it is prohibited to interfere with private communication of an attorney and a client. It is noted that amendments of the Constitution of Ukraine and changes of certain normative and legal acts of June 2, 2016, the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine of December 7, 2017 (Article 60) create a monopoly of attorneys for representation in courts. Most scientists (T. Vorfolomeiev, L. Sheveliuk) believe that such a monopoly of attorneys for representation in courts will provide legal assistance at a higher and skilled level.
Description: Курило Т.В. Адвокат як суб'єкт надання професійної правової (правничої) допомоги / Курило Тетяна В’ячеславівна // Соціально-правові студії. - 2018. - Випуск 2. - С. 83-90.
ISSN: 2617-4170
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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