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Title: Еволюція мети та завдань правового виховання учнівської молоді у межах ІІ половини ХХ століття
Other Titles: The evolution of purpose and tasks of legal education of schoolchildren in the second half of the twentieth century
Authors: Кащук, М.Г.
Kashchuk, M.H.
Keywords: правове виховання
мета правового виховання
завдання правового виховання
legal education
purpose of legal education
tasks of legal education
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Молодь і ринок
Series/Report no.: ;1
Abstract: У статті простежено еволюцію мети та завдань правового виховання учнівської молоді у межах другої половини ХХ століття. Визначено мету правового виховання на початку досліджуваного періоду, яка полягала головним чином у формуванні правової культури школярів. У межах 1985-1991 рр. мета правового виховання полягала у вихованні школярів у дусі поваги до законів і строгого їх виконання, формування у них розвиненої соціалістичної правосвідомості та підвищення їх соціально-правової активності. Після проголошення незалежності України мета правового виховання зводилася до формування правової культури учнів шляхом накопичення правових знань, формування правових переконань, навичок правомірної поведінки. The evolution of the purpose and tasks of legal education of pupils in the second half of the 20th century, namely, before and after the proclamation of Ukraine's independence is traced in the article. At first, scholars emphasized the general social nature of the purpose of legal education, limiting it only to the formation of the legal culture of schoolchildren. The primary tasks were involvement of the individual in legal knowledge; development of legal awareness, abilities to behave in society and choose the right line of behavior in different life situations; formation of high legal culture and lawful behavior among schoolchildren, which in the long run should become a habit, strong conviction of every person; development of legal consciousness; education of students' sense of respect for the law, rights, readiness to fight offenders and protect public order; development of adolescents’ responsible and serious attitude to their actions etc. In the process of building up social relations in society in 1985–1991, the ultimate goal of legal education was determined, which was the education of schoolchildren in the spirit of respect for the laws and their strict implementation, the formation of their developed socialist legal consciousness and increase of their social and legal activity. Accordingly, the leading tasks of legal education of senior pupils in 1985–1991,were as follows: formation of schoolchildren's respect for law; development in the school youth of legal consciousness; prevention and elimination of offenses among schoolchildren; development of effective forms, methods and means of legal influence on the younger generation; skillful use of legal knowledge and skills acquired by young people in everyday life and social practice; development of social activity of schoolchildren; evaluation of the effectiveness of legal work; justification of ways to improve the legal culture of senior pupils in extracurricular and out-of-school work etc. The purpose and tasks of legal education of students from 1991, after the proclamation of state independence of Ukraine, have been substantially updated. Thus, the purpose of legal education was to form the legal culture of schoolchildren through the accumulation of legal knowledge, the formation of legal beliefs, attitudes, habits of lawful behavior. Along with traditional tasks of legal education the new ones have been outlined, namely formation of legal convictions among schoolchildren; education of pupils' ability to act within the framework of the law, to respond properly to violations of their rights and to defend them; development of students' abilities to correctly apply the acquired legal knowledge and improve them.
Description: Кащук М. Еволюція мети та завдань правового виховання учнівської молоді у межах ІІ половини ХХ століття / Мар’яна Кащук // Молодь і ринок. - 2018. - №1 (156). - С. 79-84.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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