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Title: Охорона праці як функція трудового права
Other Titles: Employment protection as a function of labor law
Authors: Бутинська, Р.Я.
Butynska, R.Ya.
Keywords: охорона праці
трудові відносини
protection of employment
employment relationship
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Abstract: Присвячено дослідженню охорони праці як функції трудового права. Доведено, що стаття має важливе значення для формування та розвитку галузі трудового права. Зокрема, підтвердженням є її вплив на кожен інститут трудового права: колективний договір, трудовий договір, робочий час, час відпочинку, оплату праці тощо. Через розвиток економічних відносин та впровадження нових технологій виробництва зміст охорони праці як функції трудового права змінюється, тому актуальність її дослідження не потребує додаткового обґрунтування. The role of the state in regulating employment relationship is signifcant. The essence of employment protection as a function of labor law is changing due to the development of economic relations and the introduction of new technologies of production. The purpose of the article is to investigate the content of employment protection as a function of labor law, as well as its importance for the development of employment relationship. In order to solve these tasks, the general scientifc methods (dialectic, complex, structural-functional, formal-logical, system analysis) and special legal methods of research (comparative-legal and the method of interpretation of legal norms) are applied. The article proves that the function of employment protection is of particular importance for the formation and development of the feld of labor law. In particular, it influences each institution of labor law: collective agreement, employment contract, working time, rest time, payment, etc. In addition, the article states that it is inappropriate to reduce employment protection as a function of labor law only to protection of workers as a weaker party in labor relationship (it is identifed with the protective function of labor law), since it applies to other subjects, including employers. Employment protection as a function of labor law is manifested in all labor law institutions, which indicates its importance for this branch of law. In future, its peculiarities of influence on the feld of labor law will be manifested in the work on the draft Labor Code, taking into account the peculiarities of workers in the new economic conditions. It is also proposed to support the idea of giving personal employees’ consent to engage in work at weekends and holidays, because the consent of the trade union body cannot be regarded as an expression of the immediate will of the employee. In this regard, it is necessary to amend the current legislation.
Description: Бутинська Р. Я. Охорона праці як функція трудового права / Бутинська Роксолана Ярославівна // Соціально-правові студії. - 2019. - Випуск 2 (4). - С. 82-87.
ISSN: 2617-4170
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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