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Title: Аналіз досліджень із психології й експериментального гіпнозу в працях Ю. Охоровича
Other Titles: Analysis of research with clinical psychology and experimental hypnosis in the works of Julian Ohorovich
Authors: Венцик, О.В.
Ventsyk, O.V.
Keywords: охорович
julian ochorowicz
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Психологічна;2
Abstract: Описано діяльність Ю. Охоровича – видатного польського психолога, який відомий своїми суперечливими думками. Проаналізовано низку відкриттів науковця з різних напрямів психології. Акцентовано на головних досягненнях дослідника у таких напрямах його роботи, як психологія, фізіологія, медицина й на співпраці з іншими науковцями того часу. Проаналізовано його шлях у сфері експериментального гіпнозу як терапевтичного методу, зокрема описано гіпноскоп (пристрій для тестування гіпнотичної сприйнятливості), який створений науковцем. Описано погляди Ю. Охоровича на терапію і теорії різних захворювань. The article describes the work of Julian Okhorovich, a prominent polish psychologist who is known for his controversial thoughts. A number of discoveries of a scientist from different directions of psychology have been analyzed. The focus is on the main achievements of the scientist in such areas of his work as psychology, physiology, medicine, and in collaboration with other scholars of that time. The path of a scientist in the field of experimental hypnosis as a therapeutic method is analyzed, in particular, a hypnoscope, device for the testing of hypnotic susceptibility, which was created by a scientist, is described. The views of J. Okhorovich on psychotherapy, which he understood as a psychic influence on another person, as described, and he recommended doctors to adhere to the principles of psychotherapy. The connection between psychology and medicine in his works is analyzed, where experiments are described in the framework of parapsychology, experiments with hypnotic effects on humans. A hypnoscope, device for testing hypnotic susceptibility, which was created by J. Okhorovich is described. The author analyzes the theory of «ideoplastia» (physiological realization of thought) developed by a scientist. The contribution of J. Okhorovich to the development of medicine is described, where he drew attention to psychological factors as the causes of various diseases and emphasized that psychology should be a fundamental science for doctors. J. Okhorovich saw the causes of mental disorders in personal inclinations and emotional states, and also recognized the therapeutic effect of these states and believed that the most negative influence on the mental life of a person caused negative emotions. The methods of treatment, which include the action of metals on the diseased organism, are described. Two types of therapy for J. Okhorovich were described: «metaloscopia» (consisted of contacting the metal with the skin) and metal therapy (metal is injected internally into the body). Hypnosis and magnetism are described as methods of treatment, the idea of which is described in the article «Mesmerism and Hypnosis». J. Okhorovich actively engaged in the study of hypnotic phenomena and extrasensory perception. Hypnosis was in the pursuit of the mind to «monodeism», that is, to the narrowing of the sphere of consciousness. The essence of magnetism – in the inductive effect of one organism in another, provided that each living organism produces a specific electromagnetic field around it. The advantage of magnetism is described as a less harmful method and more effective than hypnosis.
Description: Венцик О. В. Аналіз досліджень із психології й експериментального гіпнозу в працях Ю. Охоровича / О. В. Венцик // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - Серія психологічна. - 2018. - Випуск 2. - С. 40-48.
ISSN: 2311-8458
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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