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Title: Сталін: творець тоталітарної системи. Психологія особистості і діяльності тирана (до 80-річчя «Великого терору» в СРСР)
Other Titles: Stalin: the author of totalitarian system. Psychology of the tyrantʼs personality and activity (to the 80th anniversary of «The Great Purge» in the USSR)
Authors: Ряшко, О.В.
Riashko, O.V.
Keywords: тоталітарний режим
психологія особистості
психологічні відхилення
genocidal regime
personality psychology
mental disorders
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Психологічна;2
Abstract: Розглянуто діяльність Й. Сталіна як творця тоталітарної системи в СРСР і його морально-психологічну характеристику. Вказано, що в історії колишнього Радянського Союзу 1937–1938 рр. ХХ ст. були трагічними роками «Великого терору», під час якого фізично знищено мільйони невинних радянських громадян. Зазначено, що безжальна тоталітарна система морально та психологічно калічила колишніх громадян імперії, на всій території країни панував тотальний страх. Організатором терору і геноциду проти власного народу був Й. Сталін, чиє імʼя, указував відомий американський історик Р. Такер, ввійде в історію як «символ тиранії». Досягнувши необмеженої, неконтрольованої влади, диктатор створив жорстокий, антиправовий, антигуманний, антинародний тоталітарний режим, який слугував його цілям та інтересам. In the history of the former USSR, 1937–1938 were marked as the tragic years of «The Great Purge», when millions of innocent Soviet people were physically exterminated. Ruthless totalitarian system crippled the citizens of the Stalinʼs empire morally and psychologically. The entire territory of the Soviet Union was wrapped in fear. No one could be sure of the safety of his life. The legal norms, such as rights, freedoms, honor and dignity, human integrity were declared only. In practice, there existed anti-law, anti-legality and absence of civil rights. The whole system created by the dictator served virtually to his goals and interests. Skillfully exterminating his opponents and objectors, Stalin sheltered himself behind the interests of building socialism in the USSR and its protection from both internal and external enemies. An awful result of Stalinʼs policy and activity was hunger in Ukraine, artificially created by the tyrant and his onhangers: it was a deliberately planned genocide against the Ukrainian people Moral and psychological state of the leaderʼs personality was one of essential causes of terror and genocide in the USSR. Stalin was a paranoid personality, and he had other mental deviations, affecting his behavior and activities. Psychology as a science characterizes paranoids as individuals tending to the formation of the so-called overvalued ideas, they fill the psyche of a paranoid and make a dominant influence on their behavior. Usually, the idea of an utmost significance of his personality is the most important and overvalued one of a paranoid. Accordingly, the main features of psyche of people of a paranoid nature are selfishness, constant self-satisfaction and excessive arrogance, self-admiration (narcissism). Social realm is important and interesting for them only to the extent it concerns their personality, everything that is not interesting for him and close to his «I» is considered for a paranoid as not worthy of his attention. All people he has to communicate or deal with are evaluated exclusively from the point of view of relation to his activities and to his words; he does not forgive indifference or disagreement. Anyone who disagrees with the paranoid, who thinks not the way he does, is, at best, just a stupid man, unworthy of his attention, and at worst he is his personal enemy. The most characteristic features of the dictatorʼs psychology were aggressiveness, cruelty, suspicion and revenge. Moral standards such as sense of conscience, honesty, goodness, conscientiousness compassion, Christian virtues have been simply ignored and rejected by the tyrant. The entire system he created was built on psychology of total fear and humbleness, since no man in the Stalinist Empire was insured against open violence and lawlessness.
Description: Ряшко О. В. Сталін: творець тоталітарної системи. Психологія особистості і діяльності тирана (до 80-річчя «Великого терору» в СРСР) / О. В. Ряшко, Л. О. Остапенко, І. М. Коваль // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - Серія психологічна. - 2018. - Випуск 2. - С. 146-155.
ISSN: 2311-8458
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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