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Title: Специфіка професійних ризиків та професійно-особистісних деструкцій в діяльності фахівців соціальної та медичної сфери
Other Titles: Peculiarity of Professional Risks and Professional – Personal Destructions in the Activity of Specialists in Social and Medical Spheresof Professional Risks and Professional – Personal Destructions in the Activity of Specialists in Social and Medical Spheres
Authors: Бамбурак, Н.М.
Bamburak, N.M.
Keywords: ризик
професійний ризик
професійно-особистісна деструкція
екстремальні умови
professional risk
professional-personal destruction
professional activity
extreme conditions
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Вісник Національної академії Державної прикордонної служби України. Серія: психологія
Series/Report no.: ;2
Abstract: Професійні ризики, що виникають в професійній діяльності, спричиняють проблеми в балансі між позитивними та негативними змінами в особистості фахівця. Тому за умов дисбалансу, в сторону негативних зреалізовується розвиток професійно-особистісних деструкцій, як негативної видозміни продуктивності профдіяльності та взаємодії, а саме: зниження ефективності профактивності, формування негативних особистісних якостей та погіршення здоров’я, а відтак порушення особистісної цілісності. Risk is a sustainable component of any human activity and has both a creative and a devastating aspect that involves a person’s adapting to a risky environment. In addition, risk is a characteristic of a person’s state, as well as of a social or professional group and of society as a whole. Therefore, the social phenomenon of "professional risk" has a double interpretation, namely the precondition of the existence of two strategies for the development of future (successful or unsuccessful). Therefore, they are always present in the subject’s professional sphere and accompany him throughout his professional biography. The analysis of theoretical and applied areas indicates that there are no measures to minimize occupational risks, in particular for specialists in the social and medical spheres, therefore the study of this problem is relevant from the point of view of the substantiation of the professional sphere of a particular professional activity. Under such conditions, professional development is a continuous process of formation of a specialist’s personality, increasing his professional competence and skills, which in turn involves the identification of individual techniques, methods, means of positive professional actions, and, therefore, his specific, individual style of activity. The latter is interpreted as behavioral patterns that are adequate to a particular situation and are implemented through the professional suitability of the individual. Thus, the individual style of activity is interpreted from two positions: 1) this is an invisible feature, which should be disclosed, applying the versatility of professional techniques; 2) this is the property of an individual, which develops in the process of direct activity. Investigating the problem of the emergence of risks of professional biography of subjects there is singled out: a professional sphere, the risks of professional staying and growth. The negative aspect of deploying professional risks is the loss of professional status and professional background. The destructive violations and changes in the professional development of specialists have a rather complex dynamics of their manifestation, in particular cognitive, affective, motivational and behavioral stereotypes are the basic negative factors in the process of their professional activity. Occupational risks that arise in the professional activity of specialists in the social and medical spheres, cause problems in the balance between positive and negative changes in the personality of a specialist. Therefore, in the conditions of imbalance in the negative direction, the development of professional and personal destructions as a negative modification of the productivity of the professional activity and interaction with the participants of this process is realized, namely: reduction of the effectiveness of the professional activity, the formation of negative personal qualities and the deterioration of health, and thus the violation of personal integrity.
Description: Бамбурак Н. Специфіка професійних ризиків та професійно-особистісних деструкцій в діяльності фахівців соціальної та медичної сфери / Наталія Бамбурак // Вісник Національної академії Державної прикордонної служби України. - Серія: психологія. - 2018. - Випуск 2 - С. 5-16.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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