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Title: Суспільна небезпека як ознака поняття злочину: дисертація
Other Titles: Public danger as a sign of the concept of crime: Thesis
Authors: Рудковська, М.Р.
Rudkovska, M.R.
Keywords: суспільна небезпека
малозначне діяння
істотна шкода
суспільна шкідливість
склад злочину
social danger
minor activity
substantial harm
social harm
composition of crime
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Abstract: Дисертація є комплексним дослідженням суспільної небезпеки як ознаки поняття злочину. Проаналізовано зміст та обсяг цього поняття, виділено критерії наявності та функції суспільної небезпеки як ознаки поняття злочину. З’ясовано співвідношення суспільної небезпеки зі суміжними кримінально-правовими поняттями. Визначено кримінально-правове значення суспільної небезпеки як ознаки поняття злочину у сферах правосвідомості, правотворення та правозастосування. Обґрунтовано необхідність збереження ознаки «суспільна небезпека» у кримінальному законодавстві України в законодавчій дефініції злочину. Доведено недоцільність використання ознаки «суспільна небезпека» у дефініції кримінального проступку як одного з видів кримінального правопорушення. Проведено класифікацію суспільної небезпеки як ознаки поняття злочину та визначено перелік діянь, які за жодних обставин не можуть визнаватися малозначними.The Thesis contains a comprehensive study of the public danger as signs of crime. The state of the theoretical development of the concept of “public danger” as a sign of the legislative definition of a crime in the criminal legal literature has been determined. The formation and development of the public danger as signs of the concept of crime in the monuments of domestic criminal law is researched. The regulation of the public danger as a sign of the concept of a criminal offense under the criminal law of foreign countries, which are representatives of different legal families (Romano-Germanic legal family, groups of post-Soviet law and general law families), have been revealed. The place of the public danger in the system of signs of the concept of a crime has been determined. It is substantiated that social danger is a key feature of the concept of crime, its core. It was stated that public danger determines the meaning and character of all other signs of the concept of crime. The influence of certain features of the crime in determining its social danger has been studied. It is concluded that the nature of the public danger of an act depends on the importance of the object of criminal law protection, and other features of the crime, except for the features of the general subject of the crime and the causal connection between socially dangerous acts and socially dangerous consequences in the crimes of material composition, affect the formation of the degree of the public danger of a particular attack. The approaches to the definition of the public danger as signs of the concept of crime, the content and scope of this concept have been analyzed, the essential features of the category “public danger” are highlighted and its definition is proposed. It is established that criteria for distinguishing crimes from other offenses are the nature and degree of social danger. The correlation of social danger as a sign of the concept of a crime with the related criminal-legal concepts (“danger”, “public damage”, “minor action”, “public danger of an act that falls under the signs of an act prescribed by the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine”, “public danger of acts committed in circumstances that exclude their crime”, “social danger of the act as a sign of the objective side of the crime”). The criminal-legal significance of the public danger as a sign of the concept of crime in the spheres of legal awareness, law-making and law enforcement has been determined. It is concluded that the provisions stipulated in Part 2 of Article 11 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, can be applied only in case of committing an act whose characteristics fall within the characteristics of a crime with a formal composition or with material composition, but only in case that the amount of damage is not precisely determined. The functions of the public danger in the spheres of law-making (foundation, demarcation, classification) and enforcement (regulatory, human rights) are highlighted. The necessity of preservation of the sign “public danger” in the criminal legislation of Ukraine in the legislative definition of a crime has been substantiated. The necessity to remove the acts from the Criminal Code of Ukraine that are not capable to inflict or create a real threat of causing significant harm to an individual or a legal entity, society or state and to transfer them into a category of criminal misconduct is argued. The inexpedient use of the sign “public danger” in defining a criminal offense as one of the types of criminal offense has been substantiated. The classification of the public danger as a sign of the concept of a crime has been made and a list of acts has been determined, which under no circumstances can be considered as insignificant. The practice of application of the regulations on the low-priority of the act and the consideration of the courts of social danger during the punishment is analyzed. Its ambiguity and inconsistency have been verified. There are cases where the same socially dangerous acts, which have the same consequences, get a different criminal and legal assessment.
Description: Рудковська М. Р. Суспільна небезпека як ознака поняття злочину: дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.08 – кримінальне право та кримінологія; кримінально-виконавче право / Рудковська Марта Романівна. – Львів: ЛьвДУВС, 2017. - 187 с.
Appears in Collections:Дисертації

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