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Title: Громада як елемент формування транзитивного суспільства
Other Titles: Community as an element of forming a transitive society
Authors: Савайда, О.І.
Savaida, O.I.
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9596-3712
Цицик, О.І.
Tsytsyk, O.I.
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2035-2604
Keywords: суспільство
транзитивне суспільство
transitive society
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Слово Національної школи суддів України
Series/Report no.: ;1-2
Abstract: Стаття присвячена дослідженню формування суспільства, зокрема транзитивного суспільства, з урахуванням вагомого його елементу – громади. Розглянуто основні базисні філософсько-правові критерії, які виділяються науковцями щодо формування громади. Акцентовано увагу на доцільності усвідомлення значення громади для формування транзитивного суспільства для сучасних суспільних відносин загалом і державно-правових явищ зокрема. The article is devoted to the study of the formation of society, in particular the transitive society at the expense of its important element, namely the community. The main basic philosophical and legal criteria set by scientists for the formation of this type of society due to its constituent element as a community are considered. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of understanding the importance of the community for the formation of a transitive society for modern, rapidly developing social relations and state and legal phenomena in particular. Based on the analysis of modern philosophical and legal doctrine, the provisions of national legislation and the practice of its application, the essence of the community in a transitive society through the prism of its philosophical and legal and enabling components is shown. The article considers the community as an environment for realizing the essential potential and meeting the basic existential needs of man, in particular through: establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships, caring for others and at the same time a sense of stability and personal security, overcoming passive physiological nature through socialization, individual identity and collective devotion. In this sense, the community is an effective mechanism for combining the individual (individual) and society (collective). Considering the essence of the community of philosophical and legal analysis in a transitional society, we have outlined some ways to solve these problems. The community as an element is a relevant phenomenon of today, on the correct understanding of which depends the progressive development of Ukraine. The community as the primary, basic administrative-territorial unit of the state reflects the vital activity of society in all spheres: from regulatory and legal guarantee to the actual implementation of functions and the search for opportunities for improvement.
Description: Савайда О. Громада як елемент формування транзитивного суспільства / Олена Савайда, Ольга Цицик // Слово Національної школи суддів України. - 2022. - № 1-2 (38-39). - C. 83-94.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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