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Title: Кримінальний процесуальний документ як обов'язковий атрибут процесуальної форми: ґенеза та сутнісні ознаки
Other Titles: Criminal procedure document as a mandatory attribute of procedural form: genesis and secular
Authors: Басиста, І.В.
Basysta, I.V.
Keywords: document
criminal proceedings
document management
source of evidence
the investigator
кримінальне провадження
джерело доказів
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ
Series/Report no.: ;1
Abstract: Зроблено спробу означити ґенезу та сутнісні ознаки документів у цілому та кримінальних процесуальних документів зокрема, виокремити значення документів як у загальному обігу, так і в кримінальному провадженні. При цьому акцентовано увагу на різноманітних поняттях терміна «документ» та загальних вимогах, які ставляться при його підготовці. This article is an attempt to show the Genesis and the essential features of documents in General and criminal procedural documents, in particular, and to determine the value of documents as in the total turnover and in criminal proceedings. In this case the attention is focused on a variety of terms "document" and the General requirements that are put in its preparation. Definition and classification of documents acquire not only scientific, but also practical value. Ordinary, everyday view of the document and its species are insufficient for the organization's activities. So now the great importance attached to the development and teaching of General professional workers of social communication discipline "documentation", which is able to ensure unity in dealing with the many issues associated with the definition, classification and characteristics of documents. Documents are used in various fields of human activity, areas of knowledge areas of life. They are studied by different scientific disciplines, so the concept of "document" is ambiguous and depends on what industry and what it is used. In turn, the average under the criminal procedure documents understand written documents, compiled on the basis of the criminal procedure law authorized party in connection with the implementation procedures act (performance of procedural actions or procedural decisions), in which recorded information about the progress and results of criminal procedure. Criminal procedure document plays a significant role in the implementation of criminal proceedings, acts as a means of realizing the participants in criminal proceedings of their powers, rights and legitimate interests, is one of the guarantees for their safety and protection. Criminal procedure documents fulfill the informational, cognitive, communication, law enforcement, human rights, sacul, educational functions, providing the possibility of justice, the enforcement of the procedural decisions of public prosecutions, judicial and departmental procedural control, organizing and play a disciplining role.
Description: Басиста І. В. Кримінальний процесуальний документ як обов'язковий атрибут процесуальної форми: ґенеза та сутнісні ознаки / І. В. Басиста // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2015. - № 1. - С. 379-384.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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