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Title: Семіотика права: монографія
Other Titles: Semiotics of law
Authors: Балинська, О.М.
Balynska, O.M.
Keywords: семіотика
правова дійсність
legal reality
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Abstract: У монографії запропоновано новий науковий напрям – семіоти- ку права як філософсько-правову концепцію, що здатна забезпечити дослідження права як системи специфічних функціонально зорієнто- ваних знаків, кодів, символів тощо. Для цього здійснено лінгвістично- семіологічний аналіз їх суспільного змісту, виникнення, розвитку, функціонування та сприйняття соціальними суб’єктами у процесі правових відносин, а також продемонстровано прикладний аспект застосування семіотичного підходу у праві й розкрито характерис- тику поняття homo semioticus як знакової одиниці правової дійсності. The field of legal relations is one of the spheres of human activity that is governed by signals of social reality, produces its specific professional and functional symbols, codes, signs which regulate social relations and legal norms. This manuscript presents a new scientific direction – semiotics of law as a philosophic-legal concept that is able to provide law studies as a system of specific, functional-oriented signs. Legal symbol is a precise designated material informational carrier, reproduced in a non-verbal symbol or formulated in a verbal image that are understandable for a carrier or a certain law culture where this symbol functions. It possesses a triune form of manifestation: verbal (iconographic reproduction of the contents); a means of thinking (reflection in the same verbal variant, but in oral way) and behavioral (consistent active or inactive interpretation of the both former forms). Social subjects are so informative that are forced to stratify obtained information according to thematic symbols, and this way simplifying legal reality and social relations. Legal messages within these relations become a certain classifying factor of patterns as social structure elements, and an instrument for defining legal reality and a means of its knowledge. Depending on the semiotic characteristics, a legal message may act as a verbal foresight of possible legal phenomena, a warning sign from undesired actions, a compulsory order and an indicator, remaining the features of a strategic text that reproduces a verbal pattern of the desired necessity and the permitted through the description of clear standards and criteria. Law is a symbolic information-communicative model which reflects the main patterns of legal conduct of a social subject, variants of inter-subject and object-subject social and legal relations. It also defines the legal reality within the determined legal-regulatory norms. In fact, the evolution of a human being (not as a separate individual , but as a prototype of the mankind in general) stipulates such a special semiotic element of its feature as a factor of adaptation to surroundings through understanding, definition and symbolization of information about him or her in order to transfer it off-springs. It makes grounds to differentiate a specific type of semiotic characteristics of a human being as ‘symbolic’ or ‘signal’ – homo semioticus. The analysis of the concept homo semioticus involves the dual understanding of a human being: 1) as the main subject for creating signs of the socio-normative space, because it is the only living-being with mental abilities: 2) as a symbolic unit of this space, the main signal, a symbol of a new world. A human-being as a joint semiotic unit with all its elements (body, spirit, soul, name, social status, occupation, etc.) is protected by law, and all created symbols become possible and known only due to the human’s tongue, the ability of abstract thinking and the skills to analyze and synthesize itself and its surroundings. The symbols used by a human-being for transfer / perception of information, are characterized by a precise pragmatic feature to reflect its practical interests in a lifestyle, activity (operation of a social subject) and the way of thinking (evaluation of the objects of the socio-cultural space). It may be concluded that semiotic of law is a separate direction of philosophy of law that conceptually covers all main philosophic aspects (ontology, gneceology, axiology, antropology, and praxeology) of law as a social phenomena created and operates on the basis of functional-oriented codes, symbols, signs of social reality. It represents a new scientific paradigm which has all chances to become a theoretical approach in a philosophy of law with its specific subject of knowledge and a methodological ground considering all phenomena of legal reality as symbolic systems and phenomena of communication.
Description: Балинська О.М. Семіотика права: монографія / О.М. Балинська. – Львів: ЛьвДУВС, 2013. – 416 с.
ISBN: 978-617-511-129-1
Appears in Collections:Монографії

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