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Title: Самооцінка як важливий критерій становлення особистості
Other Titles: Self-assessment as an important criterion personal development
Authors: Бойко, О.Т.
Boiko, O.T.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3163-5004
Горун, Г.Р.
Horun, H.R.
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3712-0092
Keywords: особистість
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Вісник Національного університету оборони України
Series/Report no.: ;2
Abstract: У статті здійснено конструктивний аналіз самооцінки особистості, як важливого критерію становлення індивіда. Аргументовано, що самооцінка особистості є визначальним критерієм її індивідуальності, яка здійснює своє формування під дією та впливом різних чинників (Я-реальне і Я-ідеальне). Розкрито тріаду самооцінки: завищена, занижена та адекватна. Констатовано, що індивід не народжується із високою чи низькою самооцінкою, її формує оточуюче середовище. The article provides a constructive analysis of the self-esteem of the individual as an important criterion in the formation of an individual. The author’s definition of self-esteem is presented: giving an assessment of one’s actions, abilities, talents, mistakes, shortcomings, opportunities, understanding one’s personal individuality, originality and uniqueness. The work of modern scientists on the subject of research is presented, in particular, I. Levytska, E. Yakusheva, O. Malykhina, I. Stepanenko, O. Sudun, Yu. Panfilova, V. Tokareva, D. Polishchuk, O. Penkova, L. Papitchenko, I. Mostova, K. Kushnirenko. It is proved that the self-esteem of the individual is the defining criterion of its individuality, which carries out its formation under the influence and influence of various factors (Ireal and I-ideal). I-real is how a person sees and evaluates himself/herself realistically, and I-ideal is how a person is seen by his/her social environment. Purpose – to analyze and highlight the issue of self-esteem of the individual as a problem of the theory of psychology in the context of its significance for the development and formation of the individual. Methods. Theoretical methods were used to reveal the stated topic, in particular, analysis, synthesis of scientific literature on personality psychology, systematization, deductive method, and generalization of theoretical assets in the field of psychology. Originality. The scientific novelty of the given topic consists in the author's interpretation of the understanding of the self-esteem of the individual, based on the scientific research of modern scientists. Practical significance of the research. The triad of self-esteem is revealed: overestimated, underestimated and adequate. It is noted that different aspects of self-esteem have a constructive effect on the life of an individual. When an individual is confident in his value, he/she has an adequate view, and therefore a positive attitude towards life with a harmonious psychological resource, so it is setting goals and achieving them, these are filled and emotionally colored relationships with others, etc. However, when an individual overestimates his/her potential, it borders on narcissism, self-centeredness, arrogance, and manipulation. This category of people does not want to analyze their mistakes and is not able to learn from them. And, conversely, if self-esteem borders on low self-esteem, this leads to depressive states, to an inadequate assessment of one’s potential, to the tolerance of cruel treatment of oneself with the use of manipulative techniques, etc. It is stated that an individual is not born with high or low self-esteem, it is formed by the surrounding environment. Conclusion. Summing up, we state that the individual is not born with high or low self-esteem, it forms the environment. Throughout life, self-assessment is variable, everything depends on the circumstances. However, there is a sense of self-worth as a person who has gained his or her status in the children's years, together with self-confidence and self-confidence. Confidence is a measure of trust, that is, how much personal confidence is trusted to feel confident in the team, whether to carry out its activity confidently, and therefore self-esteem will be in the norm. Further scientific research is planned to be carried out in the context of the influence of the appearance on the self-evaluation of the woman's personality.
Description: Бойко О. Т. Самооцінка як важливий критерій становлення особистості / Бойко О. Т., Горун Г. Р. // Вісник Національного університету оборони України. - 2023. - № 2 (72). - С. 29-34.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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