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Title: Екзотизми як маркери міжкультурної комунікації (на матеріалі сучасних англомовних медіатекстів): дисертація
Other Titles: Exotic Borrowings as Markers of Intercultural Communication (on the basis of English media texts): thesis
Authors: Головач, Т.М.
Holovach, T.M.
Keywords: екзотизм
міжкультурна комунікація
текстова функція
соціальна функція
exotic borrowing
intercultural communication
media text
feature text
travel guide
textual function
social function
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: ЛНУ ім. І. Франка
Abstract: Дисертацію присвячено виявленню, аналізу і узагальненню провідних характеристик і функцій екзотизмів як виду гетерогенної лексики в англомовних медіатекстах на тлі сучасних процесів міжкультурної комунікації. Дослідження екзотизмів як маркерів міжкультурної комунікації у руслі комплексного структурно-функціонального підходу дозволило проаналізувати структурно-типологічні характеристики корпусу екзотичної лексики, дослідити їх текстові функції, зумовлені жанрово-прагматичними характеристиками текстів, в яких екзотизми використовуються, та виявити соціальні функції, які екзоодиниці виконують при переосмисленні їхньої ролі в контексті міжкультурної комунікації за посередництвом медійних текстів. Екзотизми у медіатекстах привчають до перебування іншомовних слів в англійській мові та лібералізують її норми, сприяють толерантності щодо культурних експансій та дещо пом’якшують відмінності між англо-американським та іншими етносоціумами. Exotic borrowings are the words from relatively unknown as well as known IndoEuropean languages, which are associated with a foreign culture and are used to describe the peculiarities of clothes, manners and customs of other nations. The most characteristic features of exotic borrowings are the absence of equivalents, nominative character of meaning, relative morphological homogeneity, localization at the linguistic periphery, inability to vary, weak syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations, incomplete assimilation, and distinct national and cultural coloring. Exotic borrowings can be common (fixed in the dictionaries and included into the lexical system of the recipient language) and occasional (located outside the vocabulary of the language). They are a quite unstable, although dynamic and constantly replenishable group of heterogeneous vocabulary. English media texts provide a favorable environment for exotic borrowings, in which they can explicitly implement their functions. The most frequent exotic borrowings are of French, Japanese, Spanish and Italian origin. The least used are borrowings from transliterated Chinese, Bulgarian and Portuguese languages. Most exotic borrowings belong to the Indo-European language family and to the Romance language group. Among exotic lexical items, the most common are one-word ones, the second and third places being occupied by two- and three-word borrowings. Syntactic relationships of exotic borrowings are marked by dominance of the attributive type, whereas the copulative one is the least frequent. Exotic borrowings are often nouns or noun constructions, less frequently – adjectives. Media texts are discrete units of the media discourse that record events within the dynamic sociocultural space and at the same time fill them with additional information and cultural meanings. Newspapers are the oldest and the most accessible media, which cover versatile issues and provide a sufficient amount of information. The feature genre of English newspapers expresses the subjective vision of the problems of modern society. The textual functions of exotiс borrowings in the feature texts determined by their genre characteristics include the functions of introducing new concepts, of reaching semantic accuracy, of creating the effect of authenticity, of producing the coloring effect as well as aesthetic, expressive and axiological functions. In the feature texts, exotic lexical items also perform the following social functions in the context of globalization and intercultural communication: the function of cultural transfer, the cognitive, ideological and that of ethnic stereotyping functions. All functions are interrelated, they intersect and interact under the influence of various factors – from communicative and textual to sociocultural and social in general. The English travel guide is a printed or online informational edition about the locations for tourists and visitors. The leading textual function of exotic borrowings in the travel guide is an attractive one. It aims at producing the explicit impact on readers in order to interest them in the described location and encourage to visit it. The attractive function is based on the synergy of informational, aesthetic, expressive, coloring, cognitive, axiological and advertising functions. The exotic lexemes perform the axiological function only of positive evaluation due to the pragmatic focus of the travel guide on the formation of the attractive image of the country. In travel guides, exotic borrowings perform a number of social functions in the context of globalization, namely, the function of enculturation, educational and ideological functions. The last of the abovementioned functions is realized only with a positive connotation. Against the background of the processes of intercultural communication, exotic borrowings in the texts of travel guides also perform the function of positive ethnic stereotyping, thus promoting positive stereotypes of countries, cultures and people. Exotic borrowings can therefore be treated as markers and agents of intercultural communication. In English media texts, they customize foreign words, liberalize language norms, promote the tolerance towards cultural expansion and slightly mitigate the differences between global Anglo-American and other societies.
Description: Головач Т. М. Екзотизми як маркери міжкультурної комунікації (на матеріалі сучасних англомовних медіатекстів): дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філологічних наук зі спеціальності 10.02.04 – германські мови / Головач Тетяна Миколаївна. – Львів: Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, 2016. - 239 с.
Appears in Collections:Дисертації

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