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Title: Соціально-моральні засади правослухняної поведінки: дисертація
Other Titles: The social and moral foundations of law-abiding behavior: thesis
Authors: Зубрицький, В.В.
Zubrytskyi, V.V.
Keywords: суспільство
правослухняна поведінка
філософія права
the state
world citizen
law-abiding behavior
philosophy of law
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Abstract: Дисертація є першою у вітчизняній правовій науці спробою із філософсько-правових позицій розкрити сутність соціально-моральних засад правослухняної поведінки. Обґрунтовано обумовленість регуляції поведінки людини соціальними нормами для формування їй правослухняного виміру, що полягає у такому: завдяки набуттю правових знань, їх осмисленню, формуванню правової культури, сприйняттю моделей і шаблонів правової поведінки людини, її кореляції у процесі соціалізації, зокрема, правової соціалізації. Правослухняна поведінка проявляє і результує те, як особистість пройшла цей процес і чи засвоїла його. Дістало подальший розвиток наукове трактування філософсько-правового розуміння правослухняної поведінки як синкретизму соціального та морального. Саме ця теза вимагає застосування комплексного підходу, який завдяки багатовекторності поєднав основи багатьох наукових підходів до вивчення певних явищ і процесів у житті суспільства та держави. The dissertation research is the first in the domestic legal science attempt to philosophical and legal positions reveal the essence of the social and moral foundations of law-abiding behavior. Reasonably conditioning regulation of human behavior the social norms for the formation of her law-measurement are as follows: due to the acquisition of legal knowledge, their understanding, formation of legal culture, perception models and patterns of behavior of the legal person, its correlation in the process of socialization, in particular, legal socialization. Law-abiding behavior and the results show how the identity of this process took place and whether it has learned. It was further developed by the scientific interpretation of the philosophical and legal understanding of law-abiding behavior as a social and moral syncretism. This thesis requires an integrated approach, which is due to multifactor joined the foundation for many scientific approaches to the study of certain phenomena and processes in society and the state. Characterized and generalized ideas about multidimensionality law-abiding behavior. Modern society advocates certain generator norms embodied in all spheres of life, and the legal and social ‒ obviously the most. These rules eventually turn into behaviors, compliance or non-compliance which forms law-abiding behavior or one that ignores and violates the requirements of the law and society. The most essential influence on human behavior has morality as a set of rules and regulations that a person should guide the daily actions and specific "boundary" situations. Even if they are not recorded, summarized in certain codes, officially declared the state binding and compliance with, this does not diminish their role in the legal life of the state and value to its citizens. So, thanks to the acquisition of certain knowledge, their comprehension, acceptance or rejection of certain models or patterns of behavior a person can go through the process of socialization, including a view of how legal socialization. Right obedient behavior will be manifestation and result of the fact that a person has passed this process and it completely learned. The philosophical-legal dimension of scale influence on the formation of moral choice law-abiding behavior. It is proved that the problem of choice, especially moral, should be characterized as a general philosophical problem because of its connection with the anthropological questions. That is, making the choice a person carries out directly their independence and freedom. In fact, acting in accordance with their interests and deliberately given the need, the person shows personal freedom. With a choice, people can form their own values and landmarks, the path of realization of their intentions. It is, in fact, forms the human behavior in general, lawabiding behavior in general. One of the main problems of modern man is thinking, the ability to understand the objective and subjective principles and human inner need for and observance of norms, values, rules of conduct. But we can not focus only on the content of a norm or provision. First you need to pay attention to human activity aimed at achieving and applying these rules.
Description: Зубрицький В.В. Соціально-моральні засади правослухняної поведінки: дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.12 – філософія права / Зубрицький Віктор Васильович. – Львів: ЛьвДУВС, 2015. - 206 с.
Appears in Collections:Дисертації

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