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Title: Міжнародно-правовий аспект забезпечення кримінологічної безпеки
Other Titles: International and legal aspect of ensuring criminological safety
Authors: Мозоль, С.А.
Mozol, S.A.
Keywords: безпека
кримінологічна безпека
міжнародне поліцейське співробітництво
забезпечення кримінологічної безпеки
criminological safety
international police cooperation
provision of criminological safety
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ
Series/Report no.: ;4
Abstract: The international and legal aspect of ensuring criminological safety has been studied. Pondering on the state criminal policy as a logical continuation of the general policy of criminological safety, the author has concluded that the link between world law and order and security of both a separate state, and civilization in the whole. In this regard, international police cooperation has been considered as a direction of the state policy in the field of crime combating. It has been proved that criminological safety is one of the obligatory attributes that ensure the normal functioning of a democratic state. The problems of criminological safety in Ukraine are quite acute, which is confirmed by modern criminal and legal statistics. According to the integrated criterion the author has determined nowadays the urgent directions of international police cooperation in combating: international and internal terrorism; the seizure of hostages; illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; illicit trafficking in chemical and nuclear materials; illicit trafficking in weapons and ammunition; illegal operations in the field of high technologies, first of all cybercrimes; international and national corruption; illegal banking operations (money laundering) and counterfeiting; theft and smuggling of cars; illegal human trafficking across the border; the trafficking of women and children for the purpose of their sexual exploitation; human trafficking for the purpose of transplantation of human organs. It has been established that the priority of a particular direction of international police cooperation is determined by the international community or individual states, reflected in the international and legal, internal legal base and the relevant organizational structures of specific states, taking into account the public danger, the nature and prevalence of the crimes in question, and other circumstances (political situation, economic status, social development, religious orientation, formed traditions, etc.).
Description: Мозоль С.А. Міжнародно-правовий аспект забезпечення кримінологічної безпеки / С.А. Мозоль // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2017. - № 4. - 125-135.
ISSN: 1999-5717
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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