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Title: Оптимізм як показник емоційної зрілості особистості
Other Titles: Optimism as an indicator of personal emotional maturity
Authors: Борисенко, О.М.
Ріжок, В.В.
Borysenko, O.M.
Rizhok, V.V.
Keywords: оптимізм
емоційна зрілість
емоційний розвиток
заохочений невроз
emotional maturity
emotional development
encouraged neurosis
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Психологічна;1
Abstract: Проаналізовано діяльність усіх органів і систем організму, яку координує нервова система. Експериментально встановлено взаємозв’язок між негативними емоціями і різними захворюваннями. Доведено, що під впливом негативних емоцій в організмі відбуваються несприятливі біологічні і біохімічні порушення, які призводять до хвороб. The article investigates optimism as an indicator of emotional maturity of the individual. The state of the investigated problem studying in modern psychological literature is analyzed; which in turn allows us to define optimism as a mental phenomenon, which is manifested in human capacity to experience hope for success, worry about himself and constructively overcome obstacles to achieve the goal. The theoretical analysis of the main approaches to the study of the phenomenon of optimism and its importance in the life of the individual is carried out. It is well known that the activity of all organs and systems of the organism is coordinated by nervous system. The relationship between negative emotions and various diseases is experimentally settled. Under the influence of negative emotions adverse biological and biochemical disturbances occur in the body that leads to diseases. Specifically, Marcus Aurelius said: «Life is the way it is shaped by our thoughts. To be healthy, we must first become optimists. « Optimism and being in a good mood affect personal image and enhance positive perception of the own personality. Learning to be optimistic is a prerequisite for overcoming destructions (ambivalence, addiction). A number of rigorous psychological research was aimed at studying relationship between optimism and health. As a result, optimistic people live longer, suffer less, and achieve more in life. Optimists are able to find structural strategies to overcome barriers (taking responsibility, decision planning, self-control, social support search). Thus, optimism provides for person vitality, faith in his own strength and capabilities, and in the strength and capabilities of others. Based on the works of scientists (I. B. Dubrovina, A. V. Shuvalova, O. Zavgorodnya, A. Maslow), we come to the understanding of psychological health as a harmonious process of processing personal experiences towards personal realization.
Description: Борисенко О.М. Оптимізм як показник емоційної зрілості особистості / О.М. Борисенко, В.В. Ріжок // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія психологічна. - 2017. - Випуск 1. - С. 162-168.
ISSN: 2311-8458
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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