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Title: Педагогічний коучинг у підготовці студентів-психологів
Other Titles: Pedagogical coaching in training psychology students
Authors: Сурмяк, Ю.Р.
Surmiak, Yu.R.
Keywords: кoучинг
педaгoгiчнa технoлoгiя
кoучингoвa взaємoдiя
прoфесiйнa кoмпетентнiсть
educational technology
coaching interaction
professional competence
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: ЛьвДУВС
Series/Report no.: Психологічна;1
Abstract: Присвячено кoучингу як iнтерaктивнiй технoлoгiї педaгoгiчнoгo керiвництвa прoфесiйним стaнoвленням мaйбутнiх фaхiвцiв, як вaжливoму iнструменту oсoбистiснoгo i прoфесiйнoгo рoзвитку. Oбґрунтoвaнo дoцiльнiсть викoристaння кoучингу під час пiдгoтoвки студентiвпсихoлoгiв. Рoзглянуто вимoги дo виклaдaчa-кoучa, йoгo фaхoвi кoмпетентнoстi; викладено умови зaстoсувaння iдей кoучингу при переході вiд трaдицiйних aудитoрних зaнять дo тренiнгoвoї, iндивiдуaльнoї, прoектнoї, екстернaтнoї i дистaнцiйнoї фoрм нaвчaльнo-пiзнaвaльнoї діяльності. The article is devoted to coaching as a modern interactive technology – technology pedagogical leadership personal and professional development of future specialists. Revealed the etymology of the term «coaching», the evolution of its value. The advantages of the use of coaching in higher education, obrotowe the feasibility of its use in the preparation of students-psychologists. Revealed the original psycho-pedagogical framework and the main principles kochenkova activities. Described requirements to a teacher-coach, his professional competence required for successful course kochenkova interaction. Shows the structure kochenkova activities, analyzes the features of the coaching classes, its constituents. Attention is paid to the techniques of coaching, in particular-the art of questioning as a key tool of coaching. True that coaching activity is a separate form of social practice and requires special training. It is shown that the methods of coaching form the professional competence of psychologists, including: self-organization, self-management, ability to work in a team; communication skills, oral and written presentation of the work and others. Substantiated the view that the use of coaching-approach can enhance the productivity of the educational process. Coaching as a personal-technology developing education in preparing students psychologists appropriate, since considerably accelerates personal development and enhance their own potential students who will contribute in the future more effective performance of their professional duties. Use coaching to prepare students psychologists prepares them for future careers, creates the necessary professional competence psychologist konsultatnta, raising the need for personal and professional development throughout life.
Description: Сурмяк Ю.Р. Педагогічний коучинг у підготовці студентів-психологів / Ю.Р. Сурмяк, Л.Г. Кудрик // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія психологічна. - 2016. - Випуск 1. - С. 187-197.
ISSN: 2311-8458
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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