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dc.contributor.authorЖивко, З.Б.-
dc.contributor.authorZhyvko, Z.B.-
dc.descriptionЖивко З.Б. Убезпечення бізнес-структур через призму психології управління та прийняття рішень / З.Б. Живко // Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. Серія економічна. - 2014. - Випуск 2. - С. 287-296.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractДосліджено особливості сучасної системи управління безпекою бізнесу з використанням методів прийняття рішень і забезпечення кадрової безпеки. В результаті взаємодії різних структур підприємства, з урахуванням психології управління та надаючи перевагу персоналу, як основному генератору ідей, захиснику бізнесу та індикатору прийнятих рішень, досліджено особливості забезпечення економічної безпеки та стабільного розвитку підприємства. Визначено головні шляхи взаємодії менеджерів з службами безпеки підприємств і кадровими підрозділами для прийняття оптимальних управлінських рішень. The article considers the modern safety management features ofthe business system using methods of decision-making and personnel safety ensurance. The different structures interaction of the company, including management psychology and preferring personnel as the main generator of ideas, business protector and indicator of decisions, peculiarities ensuring economic security and sustainable development of the enterprise are investigated. The main ways of the interaction between managers from the security services and the personnel departments of enterprises to make better managing decisions are defined. The company management that takes management decisions, admits the fact that conflicts and crisis can potentially occur in any area of their responsibility. The company management is in constant interaction with the company staff, so the management decisions adoptions to ensure economic security or business in general is closely intertwined with the psychology of human resource management. For business insurance is necessary to organize a functioning business security system. The effectiveness of its functioning is related to how exactly it responds to the environment, how it resists to sudden changes in the environment, including strategic, how leverages is the use of the potential, how the management department is working, its interaction with the security services of the enterprise (organization), law enforcement and specialized security companies. That’s why the results of the HR depends on the management decisions quality, the personnel business security level and its safety. An important component of economic security is the personnel security, which is considered as a process of preventing negative effects on the company economic security because of the risks and threats associated with the personnel, its intellectual potential and labour relations in general. Thus, economic security involves sustainable development (i.e., balanced and non-stop), which is achieved through the use of all types of resources, and business opportunities, which guaranteed the most effective use for stable operation and dynamic scientific and technological and social development, prevention of internal and external negative influences (threats). The refore, managers should be familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of decision-making to be able practically apply them in business organizations, combine and link, provide basic management goals and objectives of their implementation structure and complement the existing set of forms and methods of decision-making. From the practical experience it can be claimed that the manager must use the entire arsenal of existing socio-psychological methods of decision-making at all levels and stages of economic security management business, which will help to form a strong and united team, highly effective team, where every employee will feel demand, implemented and protected, and in turn realize their own full potential, leading to efficiency and performance of the company, its economic stability and security.uk_UA
dc.subjectкадрова безпекаuk_UA
dc.subjectубезпечення бізнесуuk_UA
dc.subjectекономічна безпекаuk_UA
dc.subjectприйняття рішеньuk_UA
dc.subjectpersonnel safetyuk_UA
dc.subjectinsurance businessuk_UA
dc.subjectbusiness enterpriseuk_UA
dc.subjecteconomic security decision-makinguk_UA
dc.titleУбезпечення бізнес-структур через призму психології управління та прийняття рішеньuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeBusiness structure insurance through the psychology management lens and decision-makinguk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації

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