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Назва: Прокрастинація та її причини: від першоджерел до сьогодення
Інші назви: Procrastination and its causes: from primary sources to the present
Автори: Шиделко, А.В.
Shydelko, A.V.
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4789-0445
Когут, С.Я.
Kohut, S.Ya.
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1276-6188
Ключові слова: прокрастинація
причини прокрастинації
етапи формування прокрастинації
causes of procrastination
stages of procrastination formation
Дата публікації: 2024
Видавництво: Вісник Національного університету оборони України
Серія/номер: ;2
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті висвітлено проблему прокрастинації від першої її згадки до сьогодення представниками закордонної та вітчизняної психології. Виокремлено етапи формування прокрастинації: донауковий, науковий, експериментально-практичний. Проаналізовано причини прокрастинації в молодої особистості: страх успіху, навчена безпорадність, негативна адаптація до винагороди, перфекціонізм, порушення цілепокладання та інші специфічні причини прокрастинації. The article highlights the problem of procrastination from its first mention to the present by representatives of foreign and domestic psychology. The stages of formation of procrastination are allocated: pre-scientific, scientific, experimental-practical. The causes of procrastination in a young person are analyzed: fear of success, learned helplessness, negative adaptation to reward, perfectionism, violation of goal setting and other specific causes of procrastination. Purpose - to highlight the phenomenon of procrastination from primary sources to the present, as well as to reveal the reasons for postponing affairs for later in the younger generation. Methods. To achieve the goal and objectives of the article, a set of theoretical research methods was used, analysis of scientific literature, synthesis and comparison, classification and systematization of the information received. Originality. The scientific novelty of this topic lies in the author's coverage of procrastination and its causes. It is emphasized that procrastination is a disease of the present, the relevance of which does not decrease, but, on the contrary, is gaining momentum. The past few decades have seen the emergence of numerous parallels between the perspectives of renowned scientists, a substantial number of scientific papers have been published on procrastination, its most prevalent causes, and consequences in the lives of individuals, and psychodiagnostics strategies have been developed, including questionnaires for examining procrastination as a phenomenon. In their writings, research scientists propose many theories that try to explain this phenomenon, but none of them is universal and ultimately not fully effective. Analyzing the works and sayings, treatises on the phenomenon of procrastination, researchers distinguish the stages of its formation: the stage is pre-scientific - (until 1970); scientific stage - (1970-1980); experimental-practical stage (since 1982 until now). The reasons for procrastination in young people are allocated and described - fear of failure, fear of success, learned helplessness, negative adaptation to reward, perfectionism, violation of goal setting and other specific causes of procrastination. Practical significance lies in the fact that the results of the presented research in the theoretical aspect can be used in the professional activity of psychologists-practitioners, in the content of academic disciplines by teachers of higher educational institutions, as well as by applicants for higher education when writing term papers or scientific articles, abstracts of conferences and all those who are interested in the issue of procrastination. Conclusion. Summarizing and analyzing the causes of procrastination in young people, given the properties of the tasks themselves, which can be postponed, the following characteristics can be distinguished: long term provided for execution; delayed consequences of failure; the need for a long time to complete the task; boring, routine, unpleasant tasks; high employment in other matters; delayed satisfaction or reward, low self-esteem; low faith in their strength and abilities, etc. Prospects for further scientific research are seen in the empirical study of procrastination in students and the coverage of data in this journal.
Опис: Шиделко А.В. Прокрастинація та її причини: від першоджерел до сьогодення / Шиделко А.В., Когут С.Я. // Вісник Національного університету оборони України. - 2024. - Випуск 2. - С. 151-157.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.lvduvs.edu.ua/handle/1234567890/7509
ISSN: 2617-685
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації

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